Suggestions for commentary during routines


I'm just getting back to working out (I. AM. SORE.) and have really been noticing things while doing your workouts. I say "your" because I'm only doing yours. Anyway, what I've noticed is what a huge difference it makes when you give form pointers, but it would be great to get those pointers at the very beginning, rather than halfway into the second set. I SHOULD already know all this (and maybe it's just me) but when you say things like "don't arch your back" and instruct us not to go on auto-pilot while doing floor abdominals it REALLY helps me to pay attention and do the move properly and safely. I think it would be great if, just before initiating a move you'd give a quick rundown of all the form pointers "Do this, NOT this" and "This not this" (with reminders/admonishments) throughout, it would really help me to stay focused. Also, I was doing GS Chest/Triceps (the reason I'm sore) the other day and just realized, for the first time ever, what you meant by "closed-grip" on the barbell. I would have gotten this right away if the camera had zoomed in on your grip when you made that statement. I used the wrong grip for a long time and I think that was the reason it hurt my wrists so bad I had to use dumbbells on the chest press. Since returning to weight training (out with a shoulder injury from doing the band wok incorrectly) I've been noticing a lot.
One reason I love MIS is because there is form pointers before each session. I have been training for years, but still love to get those pointers.
I just recently received some workouts that have a fabulous option called "Trainer Track": one of the audio options offers more detailed form pointers--breaking into the routine to point out safety issues, form details, etc.

I'd LOVE to see this sort of thing on future weight workouts from you, Cathe (maybe the STS series) (but you'd probably have to call it something else!).

That way, those who need, or want, the more detailed instruction can get it (especially first time around on the workout) and those who don't want it can just listen to the regular soundtrack.
I love this suggestion!

I just want to add that I also do love it when Cathe talks thru all or most of the set, because it make it go faster for me. When Cathe isn't talking, I find myself thinking or saying, "oh gosh, HOW MANY MORE?!?"
I am glad you mentioned this because I am doing this tomorrow I am going to preview it.

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
>I just recently received some workouts that have a fabulous
>option called "Trainer Track": one of the audio options offers
>more detailed form pointers--breaking into the routine to
>point out safety issues, form details, etc.
>I'd LOVE to see this sort of thing on future weight workouts
>from you, Cathe (maybe the STS series) (but you'd probably
>have to call it something else!).
>That way, those who need, or want, the more detailed
>instruction can get it (especially first time around on the
>workout) and those who don't want it can just listen to the
>regular soundtrack.

I like this suggestion best. Listening to long mandatory form pointers continuously will make the workout get boring. Brief ones are OK with continued use [of the workout DVD], but not extensive pointers. the "Trainer Track" is a great way to utilize the improvements we continue to see in technology.
Wow. Trainer Track sounds awesome. I would love that because it seems I'm always doing stupid things that push me out of a natural range of motion resulting in injury, a no-exercise-for-months recovery, and having to start all over again. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to proper form. And I really need those pointers at the beginning.

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