Suggestions for a Strength Tape (s)


I am trying to start adding weight training to my workouts. I am the "cardio queen" and need to add some strength training. I have worked out in the gym for years with weights but now need to do it at home. Do you suggest Powerhour, Pure Strength or Slow and Heavy? Should I get Powerhour plus one of the other series?? I'm also considering Mindy Mylrea's strength express. Someone PLEASE help me. I'm very confused about what to buy ! ! !
I have PS and SH and have found both to be effective. I rotate them - usually every other week.

Are you going for toning or really trying to build mass? I feel like Slow and Heavy is the better choice if you're trying to build mass - slow pace and fewer reps allow you to safely increase to very challenging weights.

I don't have Power Hour yet - it's on my birthday wishlist!

Do you have a DVD or a VCR? If you have a DVD player, then the PS DVD or the PH+ DVD are great! If you have a VCR and you're thinking of ordering 3 tapes, I suggest the PS Series. If you order 4 tapes, however, you get one free and free shipping through this webset (no I don't work there!) Then I STRONGLY recommend the PS series, Power Hour, and MIS. These are all great workouts. Power Hour (and MIS to some degree) is more endurance oriented because it has fewer reps, a faster pace, and hits every muscle group in one workout. But if you are new to weights, you will see strength gains with PH. MIS is great for form pointers and is a nice introduction to working out with weights at home. I wouldn't get S&H just yet. That series is really great for once you've plateued and need something new to budge your muscles along. Have fun!

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