Suggestion, Take it or Leave it ;)

Hi Cathe, this 44 year old 5'8" woman loves your workouts and how you have raised the bar for an entire industry (not to mention what you've done for my physique). I was 'enjoying'}( the B&G abs on the ball today and found myself wishing for a background exerciser of a 'certain height'. My biomechanics are completely different compared to your more petite (albeit stellar) background exercisers and I was wishing for a more similar model (I'm sure I'm not the only one:)). Would you please consider some taller exercisers (ahem...Rhonda:)) in your next round of workouts. Thanks for your consideration. Have a wonderful weekend!

Take Care
I'd love to see Rhonda again, as well. Not just because she's about the same height I am, but because I love her form and the faces she makes from time to time.
I could be wrong, but I think Rhonda moved to GA. I read it somewhere I think! I wish she'd do another video with Cathe. I'm also taller and liked to use her as a guide! Although all the other ladies are fabulous also!:)
Ohhh, I think that is such a good point. You just made me realize that one of the reasons I enjoy Cathe's videos is because I'm a more petite person. I always felt out of my realm seeing the typical long, lean video exercisers, with legs that I could about walk under. I know what you mean by different body mechanics!
Actually, if I remember correctly, Rhonda isn't really that tall. Compared to the others, she does look "tall". I think the tallest one is 5'1" or 5'2". Rhonda is only about 5'4", I think.
Hey Girls, I like Rhonda too, but that's not my point, just an example. I think it would be of assistance to many of us to see the alignment for taller, longer levered females in moves like the last 2 blasts from LIC, DM line taps, B&G side to side thrusting lunges to name just a few. Biomechanics and kinetic chains are quite different with longer levers, I can't touch the floor doing line taps or my head is below my heart. Just looking for a taller model so I can watch, learn and workout better and smarter. Thanks:)

Take Care
> Rhonda is only about 5'4", I

I recall her being 5'6" (but I don't remember where I read that).

I think Cathe is 5'2". Don't know about the others.

(Maybe Cathe can tell us?)
I appreciate you bringing this up. I am 5'9" and there are many exercises where I wondered if a higher or perhaps a lower step height is more appropriate. Ditto on questions about body positioning.

Thanks for posting the suggestion,

Hi Laurie! Thanks for your feedback. In the past we always had cast members of varying heights, however, our latest cast just happens to be right around 5'2". This was not deliberate, it just turned out that way :)

While I can't promise to make cast changes (due to the many things that have to be taken into account when filming) I will certainly do this if I am able to make it happen.

Take Care and thanks for your suggestion!

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