Sugar/Salt Scrub


Hi, I just came back from the Bath and Body Works sale and was disappointed that my favorite sugar scrub, Tranquil Mint, has been discontinued-- what are your favorites?
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A friend of mine makes soaps and lotions and things and one of the things she makes is sugar scrubs - she does them to order... idk if she has that exact scent, but she can get scents that mimic a lot of popular ones, so she might. All her stuff is made from only natural oils and is really nice

Jennifer's Handmade Soap | Facebook

If you do end up ordering anything, tell her Audry sent you :D
That's a thought, thanks. Hoping to get some new ideas - not sure if salt is better or sugar-- also looking for great scents.
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You can make these yourself. There are sites with recipes. I've used brown sugar and olive oil on my face, and loved it. I've also made a scrub with coffee grounds and brown sugar. I don't buy any of that stuff anymore - I make my own. So much cheaper. I haven't used commercial lotions on my skin for over 2 years.

Here's a good site.

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