Sugar = EVIL!!



Sugar is my weakness. It is seriously my drug; once I even have a taste of it, I feel like I lose all control and have an out of body experience as I'm stuffing my gord with more of it!!

My question is, how can I limit and eventually eliminate sugary stuff from my diet? The problem is, I live at home and my parents bring sweet stuff home all the time. I've asked them to stop and suggested we all start eating healthier and that's just not gonna happen. So the temptation is always there. Any suggestions?
for me, limiting doesn't even work. i have to go cold turkey. not easy when you're surrounded by it! my dds bought me a cookie last night - thaaaaaanks!:p
I'm right there with you - sugar has been my drug of choice since childhood! My one little bit of advice would be - if your family is still going to bring the junk in the house, maybe you could ask them that they at least keep it out of sight in an out-of-the-way cabinet or something? That way at least you wouldn't have to look at it all day and be tempted. The only other thing I can think of is, if you take the lead, maybe they'll follow. Try to immerse yourself in reading everything you can about the subject. For me, the more knowledge I gain as to why junk food, and especially sugar, is bad for me, the less power it has over me. If you can change your BELIEFS about bad foods it will help you more so than just willpower alone. I know you can do it. Just take baby steps, and you'll get there!

Sugar is a tough one. I kicked a 2-3 soda a day habit over a couple of months ago (regular, not diet soda) cold turkey and replaced my drinks with unsweetened tea. I still like a sweet treat every so often, but I'm noticing that I'm not craving sugar as much as I did when I was drinking so much soda. Just a thought, but maybe there are minor diet changes you can make to control the sugar cravings?
Melissa, Kate: I can't offer you any advice because I am a druggie myself, but I can offer you support in letting you know that you aren't the only ones who suffer with this horrible disease. :p

Cold turkey is the only thing that has ever worked for me in the past, and once it is out of your system it is out. The hard part is just not taking that first bite because then I know the cycle starts all over again.


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