Stacy - did you read this on fitnessblackbook?
Many People Would Benefit from Dropping Direct Leg Work
I’m going to go ahead and point out my most controversial fitness view. I believe that 9 out of 10 people would have better looking physiques if they dropped all of their leg exercises and replaced it with High Intensity Interval Training combined with Steady State Cardio. This just seems to create the ideal sized leg that is functional as well. Not only that, the extra time available for cardio will help you keep a lower body fat level year round. Also…your legs and butt greater definition from sprinting than they will from lifting. The nice thing is that they will remain a normal size while firming up.
Certainly squats give me that 'lump' above the knee on the outside
I do feel certain exercises give a certain look, but not sure to what degree on certain shapes of people. Take Cross Fitters for instance, alot of women (and men obviously) get bigger shoulders and bigger thighs from the emphasis on explosive cardio moves and Olympic style lifting. If you do a search on trying to slim over-developed thighs that started after CF style workouts, you won't find much! You'll find the typical comments such as "strong thighs are beautiful, embrace the muscle" etc which I agree with to some degree and the "you can't bulk" but there are some of us that simply don't like that look.
Is this what is called QUADS?
That being asked, is there anything wrong having them?
Is this a "dreadful lump"![]()
No- the quadriceps are 4 different muscles (aptly named!) - the muscle I get from squats is part of the quads called the vastus lateralis. Different 'quad' exercises target different quad muscles - rectus femoris is the one which needs strengthening / developing for me. I don't mind the 'lump', but also want to achieve balance.
Each person body contain a certain percentage of different twiches. Although we predominantly are born with a certain twitch type,We can all recruit and increase them depending on
the sport activity we opt/enjoy doing.
A sprinter will have thick thigh. A marathon athlete won't cause he/she mainly work slow twitches etc....
(Luv da Lump)!! Haha...just a guy thinking out loud!
Is this what is called QUADS?
That being asked, is there anything wrong having them?
Is this a "dreadful lump"![]()
(Luv da Lump)!! Haha...just a guy thinking out loud!