Success With 1 Bodypart per Day

Okay guys, I loved this thread. I'm shaking up my usual routine and just today decided to do cardio and one body part per day and then I read your post which is reaffirming this plan. Thanks so much Denise for all your information on your routine.

One question for Kotacam, I'm a vegatarian too and have been working on getting more protein which really has helped, but wondered if you have any ideas for more ways. I'm a vegan, but have been adding fish once in a while. I can't eat any sugar which has been very limiting for power bars although I found one which is made by biochem which I love. It has only 2 grams sugar, 2 carbs, and 21 protein. The sugar is derived from glycerine which doesn't seem to affect me like other sugars. (The protein source is primarily soy, but there is some whey protein in addition which I wish they didn't add, but that's the closest thing I can find and I eat them once in a blue moon.) Anyway, any advise would be welcome!!!!

I guess I'm going to have to invest in the CTX or at least a few of them for the cardio. I did IMAX this morning, warm up, intervals 1-5 and cool down and biceps. I liked it, but can't do that everyday. Thanks again for this thread!!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-03 AT 09:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Um, vegan, wow! I'm sure that takes a lot of thought and careful planning. I used to be almost vegan, before I had kids but since then with working out and what not, I haven't stayed that way.

Ok - here's some of what I eat. I'll just list and then you can "take it or leave it - just a suggestion", and maybe it will spark some ideas for you. I do protein shakes, there is a company that makes an all soy product, Genisoy. Check out They do list the ingredients of each product if you click far enough into the system. I use that or whatever else suits me when I shop. Now, for "real" food. Peanut butter - a little high in fat, but good stuff. Bagels - check your labels some have as much as 15g of protein per bagel. Might have to look harder to find a decent on without sugar, although I do know that some companies use barley malt syrup and no white sugar. I'm not sure how sensitive you are. Beans, beans, beans and lentils. We (the family) eat a lot of these in lots of different ways. I primarily use the canned variety due to convenience with a family, but you could cook up big batches of your own and freeze them in portion sizes. Cottage cheese - I realize you are vegan, except for the fish, but it does have 13g of protein per 1/2 cup. Might not be something you'd want to eat, though. Yogurt isn't too bad, but almost all except for organic plain have way too much sugar in them, I eat them a few times a week to keep other things in other parts of my body in check. Nuts are excellent sources of proteins and trace minerals, but just watch the old fat content. Let's see, how about quinoa or millet, both of those are higher protein content grains. Do you eat soy products like Boca burgers or the crumbles? I only use the kind that says vegan on the box and then read the ingredients for eggs and cheese put in the product. I know the protein count on those is between 12 and 16g depending on manufacturer and product. My kids (ages 4 and almost 2) love them, but of course they love beans and all sorts of unusual foods, too.

Ok, that was off the top of my head, so if it sounded disjointed, it probably was, but at least those are the things that come right to mind. You, of course, know your body and what you can handle and what you can't, so just take what you can from all that and leave the rest.
Thanks so much for all your thoughts. This is a particularly tough area for me. I do buy protein powder from Naturade, it's veggie protein and low carb. I shop primarily through our food coop and get all kinds of weird stuff, but so much has either yeast, fruit sugar and what not..... Our family eats pretty weird as well (by the rests standards). I'll have to do more with other types of grains. We have quinoa and amaranth, I'm going to have to experiment with them. They are sitting in the basement!! I do eat almond butter and lots of it. I don't mind the fat.

It's down to the basement to work legs today......thanks everyone.


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