
Hello! I am a little new to Cathe and I dont have my Cathe library built up as much as needed in some of these rotations. Im slowly getting there, but not quite yet. Is there a list of good substutions for certian videos? Thanks!
Pretty please reply!!!

No one has any suggesitions on substitutions? If you do, pretty please let me know! I would really appreciate it.

Hi Shannon

It would help if you let us know what rotation you want to do and what DVD's you don't have then someone would be able to provide a substitution. Can you also provide a list of what DVDs you do have?
Thats a good question! I dont know, I look at all these rotations that you have here and its like I cant do a single one of them because there are workouts that I dont have.

This is what I DO have:
Shock cardio when it comes out
Imax 2 and Cardio + weights
Step blast
Step, Pump, Jump
Kick, punch, crunch

Im also considering getting 4D split because its on sale. I feel like I have a pretty good collection considering I have about 80 Firm DVDs too. I just finished STS a week ago, so now Im throwing a whole hodge podge of workouts (both Cathe and The Firm) together in no particular order. I just want some sort of structure now.
With the Firm you could break the workouts into 3 catagories, cardio+Sculpt, all cardio and all sculpt. But it seems like with Cathe, some of her sculpt emphasizes certain body parts instead of being total body, so I wasnt sure how the rotations usually worked.

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