Substitution Help


What is a substitution for Leaner Legs & Body Max?
I have the Intensity Series, Hardcore Series, Body Fusion, HighStep Circuit, and the new Low Impact Step .

Thank You
Leaner Legs: Pyramid Lower Body (Intensity Series); Gym Style Legs (Hard Core Series)

Body Max: There really isn't one single comparable workout to Body Max, in part because of B-Max's structure: warm-up and traditional step; about 20 minutes of power step with leg barbell circuits; a complete shorter upper body workout focusing on individual muscle groups; then abs and stretch. Here's a suggested mish-mosh substitution for Body Max:

I-Max 3 warm-up and step-only premix (Hard Core series)
High Step step cardio and leg circuits ONLY (I don't know if there's a separate premix for that, so you might be grabbing for the remote a lot)
Pyramid Upper Body pyramid-UP or pyramid-DOWN premix (Intensity Series)
Cardio+Weights ab routine (Intensity Series)


This is what I did to sub for Body Max:

Circuit Max (66 min) and the Upper Body 20 min add-on from the Body Fusion/Basic Step DVD. You may want to add on a segment of abs from Ab Hits. I didn't do that but I will next time.

Good luck:),


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