Substitution for Slow & Heavy...



I know you guys say that the S&H workouts are unique but I'm wondering what could be sub'ed for them...what about the new Gym Style workouts?

I just have a mental block that I would not be happy with S&H but I want to try one of Cathe's strength rotation's so I need to sub something.
I had a mental block about S&H too. I needed a "fix" of something new while I was waiting for Cathe to release HC, so I ordered S&H. I could not have been more pleasantly surprised. S&H is fabulous. I don't mind the slow pace one bit. It has forced me to concentrate on my form and therefore get the most from the exercise. An added benefit for me is that I haven't had any flare-ups of tendonitis in my elbow or shoulder with S&H, even with heavy weight. I had to eliminate Pyramid UB from my workouts because without fail, it aggrivates my tendonitis.
I think Pure Strength is a good substitution,as well as GS.
I think the best substitution are the GS workouts. Another Cathe's strength workouts you can use are the pure strength series, the pyramids or MIS. Have fun.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
The Gym Styles come close (but not THAT close) because Cathe uses slow counts in many exercises. Power Hour would also be a good sub because of the slower reps.

There is no sub for the S&H series. The others do not come close because they all have some degree of endurance work and S&H has none at all.

It is the most refreshing series and yes, you can do it, just like I can.

You want to build serious strength? You want some increased muscle mass and superior definition? You want to really increase the amount you can lift and break through some strength training plateaus? You want to balance out the top and lower halves of your body? Then you have to get and use the S&H series.

I don't think there's a Cathe series I have not been afraid of at some point in time. I used to think this series was for the "really serious weight lifters". Well, guess what? That's become me!! When I began to swap from S&H to GS recently, I have up and went back to the S&H because the GS was going too fast, I missed my heavier weights and I didn't want to do three million push ups!

Never be afraid of a Cathe workout. Everything is doable. Welcome the challenge and conquer it as others are doing and have done before you.

Hi Clare. I appreciate your response. My 'problem' with the Slow & Heavy series is that I'm afraid of getting too big in my shoulders/arms using this type of weight training...really heavy weights. I am at the size I want to be so for me it is more a matter of maintaining, not adding, muscle mass. I have a body type that responds very well to weight training and I don't want to look like a fitness competitor with large shoulder's and arms...that look is just not for me. I also want to avoid all the veins sticking out of my upper body area. If that look is what a person is going for that's great for them, it just isn't for me and I'm afraid the S&H series would bulk me up more than I want if I use the heaviest weights I can. I am already a very strong person so that isn't at issue either. My lifestyle is very active and I do heavy lifting every day just doing chores.

I think I am going to order this series and try doing it with lighter weights (lighter than what Cathe/crew use) and just use it as a once in awhile rotation. I hope I'm not wasting a hard earned fifty bucks in the process!

If you have any suggestion's for me on using this series I would greatly appreciate them.
I see what you mean now. It sounds like the S&H may not be for you. You would probably enjoy rotating between the GS series and total body workouts like MM, ME, PH, and CTX upper and Leaner Legs. And you might also like the Pyramids. The S&H could well be a waste of $$$ for you.


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