Sub for MIC?


I am going to try a rotation (Fat Loss from 03) what would be a good sub for MIC? If someone could give me the particulars, eg what it made up of etc? how long it is?


Hi Deb,

MIC- warm up 7 min, Hi/Lo 26 min, Step 33 min, stretch 4.5 min

MIC is pretty intense. There is a SJP/SB premix that has Cathe Hi/Lo & step but I believe it is shorter and less intense.

If I wanted a close substitute I would do something like,

CTX cardio 10-10-10 followed by the cardio from All Step
30 min. of an earlier Christi Hi/Lo workout followed by a SB premix

MIC is a real fat blasting, calorie burning, sweet flinging, double barrel shot of fun :D ,

Hi again Deb,

After some thought, (There are really several ways to go), you could substitute Cardio Fusion for MIC. CF is intense and about the same length as MIC. CF has the DM drills instead of the traditional Hi/Lo but I think it is a good sub.

Just one more alternative,

Thanks for your help!:) I do have Cardio Fusion, although I have not even viewed it yet.. I received the new copies of all the new DVD's and have never done any of them.. not even sure why I purchased because I am not a fan of step or circuit workouts! I think I got caught up in all the "hype" during the pre-sale!

Hi Deb,

Well, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement. However, you really should review the "Fab Five" (as I refer to them) because you are missing out on a lot. These are not just circuit workouts. Check out the premixes.

Good luck with your rotation,


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