Sub for Fast Feet Shuffle in HSC?


I've finally gotten my plantar fasciitis under control only to get HSC and see this move. I have to find a substitute or I'll be back to wimpering in pain.

Any help?

Sue <><
You could simply pick your favourite floor blast move from Imax and do that instead. Or, repeat one of the other blasts from HSC. It doesn't matter that you do another move twice. What matters is that it's a cardio move and you avoid injury.

Can you jog? You could always jog in place or do jumping jacks or something like that. Like Clare said, it just matters that you're moving. :)

Thanks all! I appreciate the suggestions and even feel a little dumb for not thinking of them myself!

Thanks again!

Sue <><
I don't know what moves you can or can't do, but I did HSC for the first time yesterday, and a "heel dig" (on the floor, going around the step on 4 counts) would substitute well.

That sounds interesting...what other workout has that move. I'm very visual and it doesn't ring a bell with me. Can you try to explain it too?


Sue <><
I'll try to give a description (though it's better seen than read about!). Pretty much, you are doing a similar type of hopping move to the fast foot shuffle, but instead of your toes touching the step, your heels alternate touching the floor in front of you (the way they do in some of Cathe's warm-ups).
Count 1: hop on right foot, 2: dig left heel into ground; 3: hop on left foot: 4: dig right heel into ground; 5: hop right; 6: dig left; 7: hop left; 8: dig right. (Oy vey! I knew it would be tough to describe!).
For heel digs I just remember to get me leg over the soccer ball.

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
She also does plyo heel digs in the "blast" portion of 10-10-10. I'm never totally sure if I'm doing them right b/c I don't seem to "feel it" like they do (and I've seen her do it over and over;) )
I do the fast feet shuffle just on the floor, and if I need to, I go a bit slower than Cathe does. I have feet and knee trouble, and this works for me.

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