Stupid question


Obviously, I'm fascinated by all I'm reading on this forum about kettlebells. But I can't tell from the posts whether kb exercises are cardio or muscle toning or both. Are different WOs geared different ways? And when I read about "swinging" the kbs my lower back starts to hurt just hearing about it. Do all the WOs involve "swinging"? Some illumination from the educated crowd, please?
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I think it's a good question Nancy. I only have Lauren Brooks dvd. So, I can only speak to it. IMO it more of a circuit style training. You work with the KBs then do things like squat thrusts or moutain climbers or pushups. The heart rate gets up there (at least for me). For me this does not replace heavy wt training, nor does it replace strict cardio. But fits somewhere in the middle. As for the back, the swings are actually helping mine. A word of warning though. I highly recommend training with an RKC (certified KB trainer) to get the form right. Bad form=injury:confused:

What Catherine said. ;)

My HR skyrockets on some of the swings; the basic move is a squat but you're trying to thrust your hips forward as you stand up and somehow (it's physics and I don't understand physics) trying to keep your body in charge of the weight as it swings around recruits all kinds of muscles.

LOL I haven't done much with mine yet can you tell? ;)
Thanks, ladies. And thanks for the warning, Catherine. Considering my lower back issues, rest assured that I will not be taking any chances!
Not a stupid question at all Nancy..

I have been using kettlebell's for a few months and love them. I also have low back issues and have not had any problems. I really try to use correct form and if something does't feel right, I don't do it.

I started with the Iron Core workouts (Target) and I feel like the instruction was great. I also have Keith Weber's Extreme Cardio and love it, but you really have to "man-up" the do that one. I just got Lauren Brooks and love it to. I am thinking these three give me lots of variety. They all are just a little different.

Oh, my answer to your ? would be lots of lower body work with lots of heavy breathing! I always ff through the rest periods to get more of a cardio factor.

Iron core would be a great way to try kettlebells without a big investment, especially if you started with a light KB.

Don't sweat it Catherine, you're fine I reckon. I don't recall any episode where you gave a snarky response. But perhaps the person's oblique post did not refer to you. In fact, it was so oblique it doesn't make much sense at all.

For the record, Cathe forum members are universally welcoming to all newbies. Sometimes snarky posts get written, but they do not target newbies per se and usually denote bad grapes because someone's had a bad day or the topic is sensitive. And that kind of behaviour happens the world over.

So, we're good!

I have been using kettlebell's for a few months and love them. I also have low back issues and have not had any problems. I really try to use correct form and if something does't feel right, I don't do it.

I started with the Iron Core workouts (Target) and I feel like the instruction was great. I also have Keith Weber's Extreme Cardio and love it, but you really have to "man-up" the do that one. I just got Lauren Brooks and love it to. I am thinking these three give me lots of variety. They all are just a little different.

Oh, my answer to your ? would be lots of lower body work with lots of heavy breathing! I always ff through the rest periods to get more of a cardio factor.

Iron core would be a great way to try kettlebells without a big investment, especially if you started with a light KB.


Susan, do you think KBs have helped your lower back? I've only been doing them for about a month, but I really feel my hips and lower back loosening up and feeling better.

LOL at you ff through the rest- my hats off to ya!! I take the rests or my form suffers. Maybe one day I'll build that stamina :cool:
Don't sweat it Catherine, you're fine I reckon. I don't recall any episode where you gave a snarky response. But perhaps the person's oblique post did not refer to you. In fact, it was so oblique it doesn't make much sense at all.

For the record, Cathe forum members are universally welcoming to all newbies. Sometimes snarky posts get written, but they do not target newbies per se and usually denote bad grapes because someone's had a bad day or the topic is sensitive. And that kind of behaviour happens the world over.

So, we're good!


Well said and thanks Clare
Catherine is one of the sweetest, nicest, most caring Cathletes I know, and I've known her for a few years. For Catherine to write a "snarky" post, as many of us do from time to time, there needs to be serious provocation. And I'm not supporting her because we're both old-timers here on the boards. I just plain think she's a doll.
I don't think it has anything to do with you, Catherine. Some people just feel the need to make snarky comments and accuse others of doing that, just to stir the pot

And I totally agree with Nancy on everything she said about Catherine!!!!
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Seemed to me like Nance's question was one that has not been discussed ad nauseum and I know both women personally so I decided to throw my .02 in the fray. If I don't know of a previous response or cannot point to it, I'll respond. If that makes me snarky to point to a previous discussion that answers the poster's question, then I'm snarky.

Seems to me that there is a wealth of information over the years that some newer folks may not know about or appreciate (since they don't know about it). Why not perform a search if your goal is to get an answer?

Snarky, yup. I'm snarky.

Or maybe I just like the word "snarky". Reminds me of the Snorkles or whatever that Saturday morning cartoon was! :)
Interesting answers you got from these two, if you were a newbie you would have gotten a snarky reply.

Wow! That is really uncalled for. Catherine is such a nice person, and I think that everyone on the forums is helpful to newbies!

Clare, really nicely said!
Interesting answers you got from these two, if you were a newbie you would have gotten a snarky reply.

WTH!!!! Forgive me for being an oldie, but Catherine is great person and does not deserve such a STUPID OBNOXIOUS post. I don't like to get involved in this War Between Oldies and Newbies, but I couldn't let such an uncalled for post go by. {{{HUGS}}} to Catherine.

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