stupid question??


New Member
Ok, I'm new here. I use to do step aerobics at the gym. I got the step fit video because I thought it looked fun. It's a little easier than I needed but I still like it.

At the gym I'm use to being behind someone & following their moves. When watching Cathe on the video,when she goes to her right I should go to me left? I thought I heard her say grapevine to the left, but she went to "her" right. Does this make any sense. I'm confused because I'm facing Cathe.
I haven't sat down & analyzed the tape yet but I thought maybe someone could start me off correctly.
In most videos, you mirror the instructror. When Cathe says go right, she means your right.

Personally, I wouold think that would be the hardest thing about being a video instructor, saing right, but going left.

Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to
Yes, if I remmeber correctly, this is why. She mentioned it on the forum a couple of years ago.

>Rhonda~That is why Cathe wears the
>rubberband on her left wrist.
>It is to remind her
>for the workouts that it
>is her "right" for the
>time being!
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If
>You Get The Choice To
>Sit It Out Or Dance...I
>Hope You DANCE!!!
Stupid response

Here's something kind of similar to what you're talking about. I just have a terrible time crossing over that darn step. There must be some glitch in my brain that allows me to mirror Cathe right up to the point she crosses that step, then, and this is just too weird, I get confused about which side of the step she's on, whether she's on the side nearest to me or farthest away. I'm probably totally whacked out. And I'm getting a little better, I guess. I can usually follow what she's doing, now, as long as I can remember not to watch her cross that step. I don't suppose anyone else knows what I'm talking about???
RE: Stupid response

Oh yes! I know exactly what you're talking about. And once we're across the step (but facing it - like the basketball corner to corner in BodyMax) there's NO turning around or I will get even more confused! I have to just listen to her "left" and "right."
RE: Stupid response

I feel SO much better reading these posts! I am such a step dork!
I always (I mean always) go the wrong way! Sometimes, I just go the opposite way than I think I should and it ends up being right!! LOL! Oh, well, as long as my heart rate is up and I'm sweating I know I'm getting a good workout.
RE: Turned Around

I had a hard time following if I was turned body just wanted to do something different. I was able to overcome this by LISTENING to the instructor and not trying to think ahead to what we were supposed to do. Now, I can do the moves with my back to the TV or to the instructor in my classes. I feel so much more confident in my stepping ability and love it!

RE: Turned Around

I usually just go in whatever direction the instructor is going. What matters is an even workout, not starting on the left or the right.

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