Stupid Mango Question


Active Member
I was reading the thread about addictions and saw that some of you would rather fight than give up your mango. I've never had a mango, and I wanted to get in on the fun, so I bought one today. It's a big, beautiful rainbow of red and orange and yellow. I want to eat it, but I don't know how, so it just sits there looking succulent. To peel or not to peel, that is the question.
Mangos are so yummy. You want it to be a little soft, but not mushy. If its real firm, it might be bitter. Throw it in a paper bag for a few days. You dont want to eat the skin....yuck !!

There are tons of things to do with mangos. I like to dice them up, add some diced tomato,red onion, chili powder, and garlic. It makes the BEST salsa that goes great with grilled chicken !

Peel that baby and get eating! This is how I deal with a mango: Be forward, there is a large pit-like thing in the middle. Before peeling, I slice one half off the pit and the flip it over and slice off the other half. Then I slice everything else off the pit that I can (I don't want to waste it!). Then I cut the large halves into slices and peel away the skin, like you would for canteloupe wedges. After that, eat, eat, eat! Enjoy your mango!
I peel it first with a very sharp knife, then do exactly as kotocam describes above. And then, I can defend my mango with my blade if needed }(
Thanks, everybody! I'm sure glad I didn't chomp right into it like I was tempted to do. It's pretty soft, so I'm going to get to work on it right now!

I wanted to let you know that I tried the salsa with grilled chicken, and it was fantastic! As soon as I saw your recipe, it sounded SO fresh and yummy, that I made it the very next day. I just wanted to say THANKS!

Oops! I must have pressed "preview message" instead of "post message" when I was here last!

Anyway...mangos are my favorite summer fruit (taking the place of my previous favorite, watermelon)! I like to eat them for breakfast, using a whole mango (cut as above) and adding in some fresh blueberries and raspberries/strawberries. I sprinkle on a bit of agave nectar for sweetness sometimes, and add a scoop of vanilla soy pudding (made from a tofu mix). Yum! I'm hungry now!
I'd like to add, MAKE SURE YOU WASH IT OFF UNDER A WARM WATER. You can get sick if you don't wash it off under a warm water before cutting it. I always do. Mangos is one of my fav. fruits! Hope you enjoyed it
Well, the mango was pretty difficult to work with. I finally got it peeled, then I couldn't get at the pit to cut it out, so I just ate around it, and it was a very sloppy sight to behold. It tasted okay... I can see how it would be much better in the salsa. So, I'm not going to fight for the mango, you can have it!
Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Two mangos diced small
one very good tomato diced small
two thin slices of red onion diced small
two garlic cloves through a presser
a sprinkle of red pepper flakes
juice of one lime
chopped up cilantro to taste

Once you have had this salsa, you will never eat fish without it again. It is also great with grilled chicken.

RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Over here in Asia, this is how we serve mango. It's the same as you ladies described: cut the mango near the seed on one side and then the other, as close as possible and cut the mango flesh both ways and get squares. Then you hold the mango by having both your thumbs on the side of the flesh part and flip it. You'll see that it looks sort of like a porcupine, very pretty. You can simply hold it up and eat it or use a spoon and scoop it off the skin. I hope I am describing it clearly. :D
RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Hi Joan,

It's Melinda, found you over here! I just finished eating 2 mangos this week but since I've never been taught how to prepare them, I alwasy cut the peel off and then hacked the flesh away from the pit. I do have to say it's not very attractive like you are describing, so I'll have to try it your way next time.

RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Hey Joan, you described it exactly how they eat it in Australia! Someone over there told me they used to cut up Mangos for their kids they let them eat them in the bathtub because they are so juicy. I just love them too!
RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Fancy meeting you here Melinda! That's how they serve it in restaurants. It's very pretty when you do it this way.

ccbw02: I'm from Singapore but now lives in Japan. Over here the price of mangoes are outrageous. Fruits in general are. You can pay up to $5 for one mango. For a honey dew melon it can cost $50! Crazy huh? x(
RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF)

Wow, Joan, that's a lot of money! I don't think I'd be eating much fruit. I got mine on sale 2 for $1 and I usually buy melons for under $2.

Lately they have been having the watermelons for under $4 and I've already bought 2 this spring. The kids love them. If we get the kind with seeds, the best way is to let the kids eat those out side because they are very messy as well. We just spit the seeds out in the yard while we're eating the watermelon. It's a sticky, but delicious mess.
I'd never purchased a mango before, but was inspired by the responses to this post, so last night I bought 2 of them and made a fruit salad with honeydew, blueberries, and I sliced up cherries to keep the pits out. What a magnificent fruit salad!! On my low GI diet, I know I can't have pineapples, watermelon or bananas. But there was nothing on there about mangos. Thanks guys!
I just bought a bunch of mangos. I'm going to try the salsa.
I just have to wait a few days for them to ripen. I hope I can cut them like you all decribe.}(

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