
Up until now, I haven't had any problems with the way the STS workout cards print. (I just printed some last week and they were fine). However, this morning when I printed them out, they do not look the same and do not look at all what they look like on the screen. The printout just says Workout at the top (doesn't tell you what disk # and Title) and the print for the actual exercises is white on a light gray background! It's barely visible. It doesn't matter whether I click the Print button or the PDF button. The end result is the same with both.

Can you please fix this or tell me what I need to do to fix it on my end?


Hello Karri,

I need to ask you a couple questions first then I'll be better able to help you. First, are you on a Mac or Windows (and what version: XP, Vista, 7) computer? And second, what browser and version number are you using (Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.)? We have not had any trouble here and just tried it on Mac and Windows using different browsers, but if you let us know what you are using we will try to replicate the problem you are having to help you fix it. Thanks!
Thank you for replying Curtis.

I am using Windows XP and Firefox version 3.6.17.

I sure hope you can figure it out for me. Like I said, everything printed fine last week. I just tried it again to see if the problem had corrected itself since this morning, but it has not. The only colors printing for me are orange, white and light gray. It only says "Workout" at the top and shows the # of minutes for the workout but does not show Disc # or workout name. Again, the exercise names are printing in white with a light gray background. I checked my ink colors and that's fine.

Thanks again for your help with this!


I decided to try a different printer and the printouts look fine on that one. I'm not sure why the printer I usually use is suddenly not printing them correctly but obviously this is a problem on my end.

I appreciate your willingness to try to figure out what was going on and I apologize for not thinking to try a different printer before posting my request for help.

Print Driver

You may want to also try installing a new print driver for your printer. This may be the cause of your problem.

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