STS Turbo Tower


Hi, everyone, my understanding from Cathe support is Cathe no longer carries the STS Turbo Tower as Altus Athletic quit manufacturing it. I primarily need it for barbell bench press. I loved that this one looked compact and easy to move/store. Have any of you found something comparable? I did a quick google search last evening, and did not see anything; however, I have not fully researched yet. I was hopeful someone would have a suggestion :D

Thank you so much for your help!
See Cathe's response to a similar post here. :)
Carol, thank you so much. I wonder why Nancy, the one with Cathe's group who responded to my email, did not mention this. I will keep my fingers crossed. I am doing Meso Cycle 3 of STS and having a hard time going heavy with the incline barbell bench press without tweaking my back when I try to sit down with it and get into position :eek:

Thanks again, Carol. Have a great week!
You're welcome, Murphymax. I hear you on the bench presses. We are indeed limited in what we can do without the rack/tower. Perhaps Nancy is unaware that the turbo tower may possibly be returning to Cathe's online store? Who knows? Let's keep our fingers crossed that it does in fact happen. :)

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