STS/Running question


My neighbor just asked if I would do long runs with her on Saturdays. I'll have to tweak my STS rotation, and could really use some feedback.

I'm starting Meso 2 today and have been following the STS Strength/Cardio 3 1/2 month rotation. I've tried to keep my running endurance up by doing one long run/week (7 or 10 miles, depending on my schedule). I think I need to run more than 1X/week, however, so I'll have to give up STS cardios for runs.

Here's what I'm thinking:
Monday: Hiit or CCC cardio + STS Legs
Tuesday: 5-7 mile run - (steady state)
Wednesday: STS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Thursday: 3-5 mile run (faster pace)
Friday: STS Back & Biceps
Saturday: 8-10 mile run
Sunday: Off

Am I crazy? I put a HiiT or CCC cardio workout before the STS workout to pre-fatigue: I don't use my recommended weight for STS Legs because I don't have weights that go that high. Also, I want to keep an interval workout in my rotation, and I HATE doing "true" intervals with running. But I don't want to hurt my running performance by doing too much. This is my first time through STS, and I gather from posts that Mesos 2 and 3 can really wipe you out.

Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Shock cardio and STS legs on one day and 5-7 mile run on next day?!?!?! At least, I would swap the Tuesday run for the Thursday one and do the 5-7 miler on the Thurs. I would also be tempted to double up 2 STS upper body workouts on the same day, several hours apart if possible, in order to secure an additional day's rest.

See what you think.

Shock cardio and STS legs on one day and 5-7 mile run on next day?!?!?! At least, I would swap the Tuesday run for the Thursday one and do the 5-7 miler on the Thurs. I would also be tempted to double up 2 STS upper body workouts on the same day, several hours apart if possible, in order to secure an additional day's rest.

See what you think.


Yeah, I think you're right. That's why I posted--because I'm having trouble figuring this out. I'll try putting the short run on Tuesday. I don't have time to double-up the upper body workouts (but it's a good idea). As you can see, I have trouble letting things go from my rotation.:eek: I want to keep Hiit, but I'm not sure how to do it. I'll try doing it with legs today, but will probably be changing things by next week.

Thanks for your input, Clare.
You're welcome. Maybe try putting one of the STS upper body workouts after the shorter 3-5 mile run? You'll have to give it a whirl and see how you feel. If you are just too tired to fit it all in and do justice to your running, then maybe the HiiT will have to be sidelined, just for a while.

If you are currently running 7-10 miles total each week, I would ease into the additional runs. Doubling your running volume could cause problems with recovering and injuries. Could you do shorter runs initially during the week - say 2 miles with walking and gradually switch to more running. For example - say you run 10 min/miles and walk a 15 min/mil. Run 1 mile, walk .3 mile, run a mile, walk .3 mile.

Another thing I did when I was training for a half marathon is similar to what Clare suggested. I combined 1/2 the leg workout with an STS upper body. So I did 2 'total body' weight workouts each week with 4 runs. I worked legs 2x/week but each workout wasn't completely wearing out my legs.
Elsie...first off I have run for about 30 years. I am currently doing an Undulating STS strength/Shock Cardio rotation adding running. I tend to run before the STS upper body work. I am doing the Shock cardio on the leg days as I don't really like to add a leg day to running. I would keep your runs to 3-5 miles on the shorter run days for now. I do believe the Hiit workouts will help your running. I do my long run on Sunday and this seems to work well for me...HTH...:)
Wow! Thanks everyone for the excellent advice. You've brought up things I hadn't considered--which is why I needed your feedback. I truly appreciate the suggestions. I will try easing into 3-5 mile runs for my short runs. I like the idea of putting them on upper-body days (and if they're shorter, I might be able to).

Thanks again,
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I'm open for any rotation suggestions. I just need to have Sunday as my off day, and a long run on Saturday.

Thanks guys,

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