My neighbor just asked if I would do long runs with her on Saturdays. I'll have to tweak my STS rotation, and could really use some feedback.
I'm starting Meso 2 today and have been following the STS Strength/Cardio 3 1/2 month rotation. I've tried to keep my running endurance up by doing one long run/week (7 or 10 miles, depending on my schedule). I think I need to run more than 1X/week, however, so I'll have to give up STS cardios for runs.
Here's what I'm thinking:
Monday: Hiit or CCC cardio + STS Legs
Tuesday: 5-7 mile run - (steady state)
Wednesday: STS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Thursday: 3-5 mile run (faster pace)
Friday: STS Back & Biceps
Saturday: 8-10 mile run
Sunday: Off
Am I crazy? I put a HiiT or CCC cardio workout before the STS workout to pre-fatigue: I don't use my recommended weight for STS Legs because I don't have weights that go that high. Also, I want to keep an interval workout in my rotation, and I HATE doing "true" intervals with running. But I don't want to hurt my running performance by doing too much. This is my first time through STS, and I gather from posts that Mesos 2 and 3 can really wipe you out.
Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
I'm starting Meso 2 today and have been following the STS Strength/Cardio 3 1/2 month rotation. I've tried to keep my running endurance up by doing one long run/week (7 or 10 miles, depending on my schedule). I think I need to run more than 1X/week, however, so I'll have to give up STS cardios for runs.
Here's what I'm thinking:
Monday: Hiit or CCC cardio + STS Legs
Tuesday: 5-7 mile run - (steady state)
Wednesday: STS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Thursday: 3-5 mile run (faster pace)
Friday: STS Back & Biceps
Saturday: 8-10 mile run
Sunday: Off
Am I crazy? I put a HiiT or CCC cardio workout before the STS workout to pre-fatigue: I don't use my recommended weight for STS Legs because I don't have weights that go that high. Also, I want to keep an interval workout in my rotation, and I HATE doing "true" intervals with running. But I don't want to hurt my running performance by doing too much. This is my first time through STS, and I gather from posts that Mesos 2 and 3 can really wipe you out.
Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.