STS Questions About Math and Weights/Equipment Needed



I can commit to 12 weeks of training hard with you! That is not a problem. I am enjoying a 12-week challenge with your 4-Day Split and loving the workouts and the results. :7 My greatest hesitation about STS is all the “math” that seems to be involved in this. I do not enjoy keeping detailed records or calculating percentages. How much time will I need to spend doing all the testing to figure out what weights to use? Am I correct in understanding that the Workout Manager will do all the calculating of percentages for me? I hope so! I just want to have fun and train with all my heart! For me, one of the greatest benefits of hiring a personal trainer is having someone to do the thinking and planning for me so I can give my best energy to the workouts! I want you to be my DVD trainer and tell me what to do so I can just do it! The announcement makes this sound really complicated. Math and science are not my strengths! ;-)

I also need a general idea of the weight ranges you plan to use for the upper body workouts. I bought 20-pound weights and 25-pounds weights for the 4-Day Split as well as 2 sets of PlateMates. I do not have room for a whole gym of heavy weights. I prefer more endurance-based lower body workouts, so I am not as interested in those workouts. I am VERY interested in the upper body workouts! If you can give me an idea of the weights you plan to use, that will give me an idea of what I need to expect so I can decide if this series will be doable for me with the limited storage space I have for weights. Thank you for anything you are free to share. :)

Oh, will you show modifications for those of us who do not yet have the upper body strength for a single pull-up?

Have a blessed weekend! :) I am keeping you in my prayers and hope STS exceeds your greatest hopes and expectations! :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Heather - I did a search earlier today on how to calculate the 1RM. There are several calulators out there that do it for you, and they'll give you the weights you'll need for everything from 50% to 95% of the 1RM. It's kind of cool.

My guess is that Cathe will use a similar calculator, and the way I understood her original post was that yes, her software will do all the math for you.

I hope Cathe drops by to give you more details! Have fun!
You really don’t have to worry about Math, we’ve done all the work for you. All you will have to do is enter your weight lifted and reps performed into our 1RM calculator for each exercise and with a few clicks of the mouse you will have a workout card in your hands with the correct weight for you to do that days STS workout. Even the exercises will load onto the workout card automatically.

As for Pull Ups we realize that a lot of people dread pull ups and have trouble doing even one. The whole idea of periodization is to improve anyone’s strength no matter what the starting point may be. I’ve seen people through the years that at one time had trouble walking up one flight of stairs run a Marathon. Do not fear pull Ups, consider them a Challenge. But don’t worry we will show you several types of ways of doing a Pull Up and other modifications for those who either don’t have the right equipment or prefer not to do a Pull Up. Our goal is for everyone to advance at their own level and not to worry about not being able to do something.

As for what weights do you need? Well it’s pretty easy to determine now. The heaviest weight you will need will be in Mesocycle #3 for 5 - 7 reps. So, start experimenting with exercises you can do safely trying to find a weight where you really can’t do much more than 7 reps with proper form. This will let you know the upper weight range you will need.

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