STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars Are Now Back In Stock


Staff member

Our STS Pull-Up & Dip Bars are now back in stock. All pre-sale orders will be processed today, but because of the size of this shipment, UPS will not actually be able to pick up until tomorrow as it requires a larger box truck.

Also, if you haven't ordered yet make sure to do so soon as we have already sold 60% of this shipment and we will sell out soon. Our next shipment will not arrive until Fall.

Learn more or order now at:
Just received mine. They're unboxed and unwrapped and airing out on the porch - they smell pretty bad - off-gassing something. Hopefully the smell will be gone in a day or so. I'm on the porch with them but am going inside as it's getting warm & the smell is giving me a headache. I may have to take the boxes to the recycle soon as they smell too. But I'm excited to give 'em a whirl next week (hopefully)!
I received mine yesterday. I set them up using the video which was helpful. I gave it a try- attempted to do a dip using the band and fell. Hurt my wrist. :( Of course I would fall!!!:oops: Anyway, i'm a little sore today so I will do my Upper Body 1 workout tomorrow instead. SMH.;)
I received mine yesterday. I set them up using the video which was helpful. I gave it a try- attempted to do a dip using the band and fell. Hurt my wrist. :( Of course I would fall!!!:oops: Anyway, i'm a little sore today so I will do my Upper Body 1 workout tomorrow instead. SMH.;)
Owww... sorry to hear you fell trying :(... glad you're only sore but not bruised or broke! :)
Yes, mine smell awful, unfortunately I don’t have a protected area outside to set them.
I moved mine downstairs……taped the box back, but want it out of here too….that
smell gets in my throat and I could even smell it at Walmart a little while ago. Explain
that! Gave me a headache this morning…..
Owww... sorry to hear you fell trying :(... glad you're only sore but not bruised or broke! :)
Me too. :)Thanks. My wrist is better. I tried again today when I moved the bars to my workout room. This time I watched how Cathe looped the band, which I didn't do correctly. Also some of the soreness, I am now realizing is due to how well the dip works your chest muscles. I use the assisted dip machine at the gym and now I can see how much assistance that machine provides. Anyway, I have a new strength goal, which is to do a dip at home using my new bars. Cathe is really strong.
Mine are still boxed but they're here! I'll put them together tomorrow.. thanks for the warning about the smell. I'll leave it on the sun porch if I need to
I think the sun/heat makes the smell worse ... so be mindful. It's the rubber(?) end-caps & o-rings that reek. So I took them off and soaked them in a pail with a strong solution of baking soda & water overnight on the porch. They seem better (not great tho) this am - they're rinsed and drying now. I'll bring them in before it heats up outside.
Yes, like Debinmi said, keep them out of the sun! I did the same, a little better, but still
smells.......mine are drying downstairs (it's already pretty warm here) and then I might
spray with a little Febreeze.... this is crazy...........
Yes, like Debinmi said, keep them out of the sun! I did the same, a little better, but still
smells.......mine are drying downstairs (it's already pretty warm here) and then I might
spray with a little Febreeze.... this is crazy...........
I agree ... the smell is crazy awful ... I plan to spray them with cat's Zero-odor spray once they're dry - hopefully that'll help. The smell is so bad it gives me a headache in short order.

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