>I have the same question. To me, a workout isn't "complete"
>without regular cardio.
>I am very intrigued by the new series, but price and how to
>incorporate cardio into the series will be deciding factors as
>to whether or not I will purchase the set.
> I went back and re-read the blog description and UNLESS I'M WAY OFF BASE I think Cathe just assumed it was understood you would do cardio on your off days (which she didn't mention). No serious fitness program excludes/limits cardio (or weight training or flexibility). The way this type of program usually works is the way most 3 day splits work (For example, Monday is chest/triceps, Tuesday is cardio, Wednesday is lower body, Thursday is cardio, Friday is back/shoulders/biceps, Saturday is cardio, Sunday is rest). What's different about periodization isn't the ratio of cardio vs. weight training but rather the WAY the weight training PORTION is performed so that maximum benefits/results can be achieved with constant change and challenge (weight training, like cardio, becomes less effective over time if you do the exact same thing week after week. Periodization addresses that problem). I can't see Cathe ever suggesting cutting out cardio. I think she figured it was understood. But for people who want maximum weight training results, periodization has been found to be the best method, thus far. This new program from Cathe will be a much more inclusive and comprehensive approach to the weight training aspect of fitness. I'm guessing she's probably been thinking about how to pull this off for a long time (it's probably going to inolve A LOT of premixes and A LOT of dvds) and now her plan is coming to fruition. I know I've been waiting for her to do this ever since I first heard about periodization. I can't wait!