STS Legs Meso 1


I'm just starting the program, going into my 3rd week. I find the leg video extremely demanding and I feel very fatigued/weak by the time I get to the end of the last exercises.

Is it best to push through the program in its entirety or would it be better to split the workout into two.. I could then do two shorter segments during the week and have more energy and power to do both halves thoroughly?

Thanks in advance!
I think that it is important to listen to your body but that being said, if you are not totally wiped out, I would suggest that you push through the full workout and you will hopefully get stronger by the fourth week. I have completed three cycles of STS and the first time that I did Meso One I definitely saw improvements in my endurance levels.
If you feel you just can't push through with the weight loads you are currently using, why not try lowering the weight a bit? I was lifting too heavy the first time I tried to do STS and was miserable. This is my second go at it. I started with lighter weights. Weights that definitely challenge me but that I can handle and I am doing much better now! :)
I certainly agree with Wendy's point about lowering the poundage, as a way to make it though the entire workout. I am an older exercizer, so I try to do as much of an STS video as possible, before quitting. On other trick I do is to alternate half way through the lunges on one leg, then switch to the other. Also, I am not strong enough to do one-leg squats (I forget the technical term for this exercize -- it's the one with one foot on a a high bench, and one leans out over to do the squat on the other leg), so I substitute a different exercize (usually regular squats) in its place.

Btw: the "legs" STS DVDs are very, very tough, so don't get discouraged.
-- David
Thanks for the feeback everyone. I really appreciate it. I've pushed through the workouts and have lowered the weights for some expercises.

Again, thanks for all the advise!

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