STS January Check In - Welcome All!

Back at it this morning. Pulled out IMAX3 - I don't think I've ever done it all the way thru, and it's been at least 5 years since I last attempted it. Did pretty well, all intervals 1-9 .. the step had a learning curve, so I wasn't as active as I will be once I know the workout like IMAX2. Still burned over 300 calories, so that was nice.

I think tomorrow will be a kickboxing workout .. any suggestions? Anyone want to 'team' up for it?
Today I did STS Legs disc 14, 52 minutes because I to calculate how much weight I thought I should use. I am doing pretty well with the knee and increasing the weights a bit. Still not what I was doing before but I think I am doing well considering. I then did X 10 low impact segment, 12 minutes,106 calories. I then did Ab Circuits med ball abs no partner, 10 minutes, 60 calories. I generally use 10 and 15 lb med balls for this one. I finished with Zuzka Z Cut Yoga Series 1 crescent, chair, abs, and cool down, 22 minutes 148 calories. I could have used that one for cardio. That was my first time doing the chair series. It was 8 rounds moving from 2 reps up to 8 of chair hold, burpee to push up stand jump repeat and a brief chair break in between. I was sweating. Workout was 96 minutes, 619 calories.

Crazy Soccer Mom, I think we need some recovery days and weeks. It does us good and helps prevent injury. I need to remember that myself more. I am much better than I used to be. I like to go visit my grandchildren a couple of hours away and I generally will take some yoga with me and do hardly anything but enjoy family and lunches with friends for a few days. You sure rallied today with a tough workout :)

Lisa, that is a good ab workout. I like the yoga for the warrior workout.
I guess I didn't struggle so much with the recovery week because I just went ahead and did some light weight circuit stuff and checked out some cardio options that I had not done before. I guess it wasn't so much of a recovery week ;) Great job on the results. I went through STS and some grueling ab and cardio workouts before a vacation a couple of years ago, along with strict nutrition. I really had some great results. Probably the best I have had since the first time that I went through P90X with added lower body lots of cardio and following the phase one meal plan throughout. I can crack down on myself if I have something to plan for.
I did CrossFire today so that kicked things up a few notches! I must be doing something correctly so far this year. Wednesday is my weigh-in day and I'm down almost 4 pounds since xmas. As much as I hate to admit it, there's something to be said for clean eating.

I know our check-in title is STS January Check In. The STS rotation I'm on is 15 weeks. Is anyone planning to continue with this check-in past Jan? I'm hoping so. I like that it's a small group. This is the first time I've been active in a check-in and I enjoy hanging with my virtual Cathletes!

I know our check-in title is STS January Check In. The STS rotation I'm on is 15 weeks. Is anyone planning to continue with this check-in past Jan? I'm hoping so. I like that it's a small group. This is the first time I've been active in a check-in and I enjoy hanging with my virtual Cathletes!


I'll be here until I'm done with Meso 3 :)
Hi everyone! I've just got back from London, and I'm exhausted! I don't know how I ever lived there - I am just longing for clean everything (food, air, people :( )
It sounds like everyone needed a recovery week.
I did yoga on Monday, but nothing since. I'm going to try out some new dvds today - I bought Susan Chung and Amy Bento, after hearing about them on here.
I'm also going to have a bit of a 'detox' - lots of water and veggies.

Lisa - I'm starting meso1 next week, so have at least another month of STS, but would still love to check in beyond that (I'll still be doing Cathe's weights).

Speak soon,
Found a good combination today - Susan Chung (rapid fire 4 / sweat) + Lean Legs and Abs (bonus barre but no core). Worked both upper and lower body.

Can't wait to get back to non-recovery workouts, though!

Justine, as you pyramid down through STS, are you decreasing, accordingly, the amount of weight you lift? If so, then you end with the same amount you started with? I'm thinking it's the same concept as Upper Body Pyramid but on a longer scale. Maybe I'm overlooking something. I am considering a S&H rotation once I finish STS.

Thanks, Lisa
I bought Susan Chung and Amy Bento, after hearing about them on here.
I'm also going to have a bit of a 'detox' - lots of water and veggies.

Speak soon,

Which Amy's did you choose? I have everything except for her most recent.

I agree with the Detox .. I've been too lenient on treats. I have a weigh in on the 10-11 of Feb and need to get moving. I think from here on out it will be lo carb, and next week will be double workouts on Weight days (weight in am, cardio at lunch at work gym.)
I got the cardio hi-lo. Mainly because it was on offer! I've never tried anything by her before.

Lisa - I'm sticking to the suggested percentage of 1RM - so if I use 70% 1RM, it should be heavier now than first time round. I updated my 1RM as I went through the exercises. It's worked for Meso 2. If I feel I'm not lifting to failure for Meso 1 (or to exhaustion!) I may go slightly heavier. I gained as much as 15% strength for some exercises - although much of that may be familiarity / muscle memory.

Today was cardio I did the X10 37 minute mix of cardio blast and hi/lo, 331 calories, avg hr 137 max hr 164. I then used the Tread Climber for 25 minutes, 311 calories, avg hr 148/ max hr 166. I finished with Les Mills Flow, 20 minutes 82 calories. Total time was 82 minutes and calories burned 740.

I will stick around if you don't mind. It is nice talking to others and I have made some long time friends from groups I have checked in with here. Some I have check ins with on facebook. I talk to a couple of them on the phone and met one on vacation this summer that I have been talking to for 12 years :) I am planning on doing a rotation Cathe had given as a bodybuilding type of program where I do all of STS then Gym styles for a month, low impact series for 2 weeks, four day Split for a month, shock cardio for 2 weeks, then meso 2 and meso 3.
The eating is tough. I have been trying to do the paleo with the 25 day sugar detox. Sometimes those crazy sugars sneak in there. I do tend toward lower fat choices though. I have to hit the nutrition store for some more uncured buffalo dogs to eat with my homemade sauerkraut. I eat a lot of fish but, we are showing our house and I think it is going to be limited to salmon from a can and tuna. Since it isn't quite ready for showing to sell I had grilled salmon on spinach salad yesterday :)

Justine, I have I haven't used Amy's Hi/Lo in a long time. Which hi/lo did you get? I have h/lo extreme, hi/lo dome hi/lo dynamics, and hi/lo knockout. I really like Susan Chung's workouts.
I feel the same way when I come home from visiting the grandchildren. I don't miss the big city at all. So much traffic and waiting in line.
Went to the work gym a lunch today. 45 min of the treadmill (5 w/u, 10 steady state at 4.5, then intervals of 3.7 for 1.5 min and 6.0 for 1 min until around 37min, walk cooldown until 45min) Felt good to really get a good sweat.

Followed with a few core exercises and a bit of stretching.

Not sure what I'll do tomorrow yet :)
Yesterday I did one of Cathe's Pedal Power premixes, UY HarcCore and then I pulled out Stretch Max and did the band stretch.

Today is UY Gentle Yoga and skiing this evening.

Anyone have any plans for the weekend? Super Bowl parties? I'm in Western PA, so we only get excited about the SB when the Steelers are in it. I already saw the Budweiser commercial, so probably won't even watch this year.

We have a little mid-winter thaw right now, so hoping to enjoy more time outside! Perhaps a snow storm hitting on Tuesday. While we have snow, I can't say we've had a good snow that last few years (over a ft. at one time). I love to go for a sleigh ride with the horses when that happens!

Here's a math equation for your consideration: 5 - 2 = 0. Have a great weekend!

Lisa - the maths question has me stumped! I hope it's a funny answer, because my PhD was in maths!

Horrid weather here - a couple of degrees above freezing, and it never seems to stop raining. It's been the wettest January on record. Most of the country is flooded. I'm sooooo fed up with being stuck indoors. Doesn't help with controlling my eating, either!

This morning I did Amy Bento's Hi/Lo knockout. Loved her and loved the music, but I struggled with the choreography. I'll try again, but it might be beyond me. I really, really want to do another w/o today (I walked the dogs, rather than ran), but I know that I'm supposed to be taking it easy on this recovery week. Perhaps I should just not wear my HRM? It tells me off for doing too much :eek:

I, too, am on a 'body-building' rotation - my plan was to pyramid up then down STS (just got Meso 1 to do) and then move to Gym Styles for March. I may use the January 2014 rotation for that - it seems to be based on GS + the new dvds. I'd like to keep checking in here.

Enjoy the SuperBowl everyone!
Five days of good eating - minus two days of not = zero results for the week. ;) Sharing it from BFFM just in time for the weekend!

The 5-2=0 is my issue right now :) Weekends are not as regulated as work days. Focus and preparation!

This am I got up late, and got in 35 min of Cathe's Afterburn. Didn't do it 100%, and used light weights.

Will hit gym at lunch today since I can make it at work.

Superbowl: We are having some neighbors over. I'm making my 2-time award winning meat chili (lower carb). Maybe my turkey sausage/spinach meatballs for treats. Veggie tray with dip. Neighbor bringing yellowtail ceviche. No drinks for me :)
Today I did STS Disc 15, back and biceps, 56 minutes, 407 calories. I then did Ab Circuits Stability ball abs using my Bosu Ballast ball and a 10# dumbbell, 20 minutes, 115 calories, I followed with Amy's Kettle bell Dynamics abs, 8 minutes, 53 calories using a 20# kettle bell. I finished off with STS Extended stretch, 15 minutes, 58 calories. Total time 99 minutes, 633 calories. Eating has been good although I have had a few days where I just forgot meals and my weight has dropped too much. I won't gain muscle that way!
No big plans for the super bowl this weekend. I think it will be mostly catching up around home. No teams we are really interested in.

Crazy Soccer Mom, I hope you can get it figured out. It sounds like you are having fun super bowl plans. The food sounds yummy :) Good job on no drinks!

Justine, have snow coming in this weekend. I need to get out and pick up a couple of things since I may not be out much. I love Hi/Lo Knockout. Amy has one of my favorite ab workouts on it. When I first got it I used the premixes. I would do the all knockout mix and work on the hi/lo sequences 2 at a time till I had them down it is a lot of fun.

Lisa, Math was never my best subject. It will be interesting to see what it comes to :) Great job on the eating this week.
Today I planned to do UY Yin Yoga. I had only done this one once before and felt I needed to add a warm-up before doing the workout again. The intent is deep stretching and the poses are held for longer periods of time. Thought I'd warm-up with some spinning. Rather than throw a DVD in, decided to pick from my playlist. I choose an all Miranda Lambert mix which led to nearly 40 minutes of a lot sprints and standing runs. Needless to say, I didn't get to Yin Yoga.

I finished with UY HardCore and Cathe's SB stretch from Stretch Max. All in all, I felt great after this workout. Tomorrow is another day! Hope to reach for Yin Yoga then.

This morning I started with X Train all out low impact hiit w/u and floor, then I used the tread climber for 45 minutes, I finished off with Art of Flow Yoga with Zuzana, 49 minutes. Total time was 1 hr 53 minutes and calories burned 761.
Today was a long walk along the beach while my son boogie boarded in the water. Went somewhere around 4.0-4.5 miles. A fast pace walk. Forgot my phone with my heartrate monitor/GPS tracker. Sigh. Got to listen to the surf, though.

Walked at least an additional mile at Costco because of where we had to park. Crazy. Then spent the afternoon in the kitchen prepping chili for tomorrow and turkey sausage spinach meatballs to freeze for a quick breakfast/lunch.

Now working on dinner and I will seriously be ready for bed early tonight!
Hi everyone - sounds like you're all getting lots done. Diane - I have the opposite problem at the moment - I don't forget to eat, it's all I'm thinking about. I don't quite know why - hopefully just a phase. You'll have to be careful to eat enough doing STS. You seem to burn more calories during your STS workouts than I do - I rarely get above 300 / 350 (and that's for legs). Weird. I'm no lightweight (anywhere between 132 - 140 lb) so that doesn't account for it.

Friday evening I did a quick premix from Afterburn - where you do each round once. I enjoyed that.
Yesterday I walked the dogs, and then had a funeral to attend :( I thought I wouldn't get anything else done, but I started on 4DS cardio - I did kick box + bootcamp, then still had some energy, so I did low intensity step as well (just the cardio on all these!). I considered doing the higher intensity step as well, but I'd lost co-ordination, a sure sign I was getting tired.

Then it was film club (once a month we screen a film in the Village Hall). The Lone Ranger. A good / silly film after a traumatic day!

This morning I've done 10 miles with the dogs - considering Crossfire this afternoon. And a glass of red this evening (probably more likely 2!)

Justine x

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