STS January Check In - Welcome All!

Thursday - I walked the dogs, then decided to give Imax3 a try. Again.

I just can't get it. Because all the choreography is done in one go, and the combos are brief, the w/o moves on before I'm organised! After 5 or 6 rounds I gave up and did 4DS kickbox cardio only to take me to an hour. I'm going to get some more kick boxing dvds (none-Cathe, as I have all of hers already).

I'd love to be able to get into step, but the only one I can do is PRS#2.

Pilates class tonight.

Morning - cardio day for me today. Decided to attempt To The Max. Had to modify and take some rest breaks to let HR come down, but it felt good to help push out some of the lingering congestion. Skipped the compound weight work, but still burned 400 cal in 50 min.

Have a great one!
IM3 is my least favorite of the 3. I turn to IM2 most often. I love the music and the moves don't seem as complicated. I'm not a fan of dancy stepping. I haven't even attempted to do PR1 yet. I LOVE the metabolic workouts, so TTM, CF, Afterburn, Athletic Training are my go to workouts! I'm trying to add one in on Saturdays while doing this STS rotation.

Today was UY Balance. I can't say I rocked the entire workout, but I felt pretty good about most of it. I have some pain that shoots up my left leg when balancing on that leg. I'm attributing it to plantar fasciitis.

I'm at the chapters in BFFM about weight training, making me see STS this round in a whole new light. Cathe is right in line with his take on weights! My arms respond the quickest and think/hope I'm starting to see better definition in them.

I'm very happy tmrw is's been a long week.

Lisa - good to know about IMax3 vs IMax2. It would have put me off trying - in fact I'll get rid of Imax3 (and PRS1), but will have a go at Imax2. Are there any other fun, straightforward step dvds? Not too old - I can't work out with a woman in a head band and leg warmers. I watched too much Fame! as a teenager. :eek:
UY Balance is hard. The first time I tried, I spent more time giggling and falling than I did balancing. And PF is horrid - I only had it once, but now wear insoles.

Crazysoccermom - well done on TTM, especially after being so ill.

Interval run then STS21 (back and bis) today. I've also been doing a lot of yoga since discovering YogaWorks. It's great because I can select an appropriate 'type' of yoga, and a suitable time. I'm going through the runners' series, and have tried a few core and lots of hamstring and hip mini-sessions. Because it's easier to fit in 20mins or so than a full hour, I find myself able to do more of them. The tuition has been superb so far.

Justine x
In addition to IM2, the step workouts I enjoy the most are BM2, Low Max & Cross Train Express. I'll have to check out the yoga site...thanks for sharing.

Supercuts on the 'to do' list for today. Will do spinning & STS Legs tmrw since I ski this evening.

Happy Friday!

I haven't attempted IMAX3 in years .. IMAX2 is such a fave. I can't even remember the last time I did IMAX1! Huh. Tomorrow, perhaps? lol

This morning was Disc 8 - Back and Biceps. Got a slight low back strain during the overhand back row (weights too heavy for low back to support?) Stretched and modified the rest of the workout. Feels OK now since I took it easy the rest of the way.

Cardio at lunch today (likely 45 min on elliptical or treadmill doing run intervals. Haven't decided yet.)

Anyone else participating in the Pay It Forward Weekend this weekend? Think I'll have to buy coffee for people in line at Starbucks or something :)

Oh .. and Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary to me! Celebrating with a nice dinner on the harbor tomorrow. Can't wait!
Happy anniversary and enjoy your night out! My husband and I will celebrate 19 yrs in July. For our 20th we're hoping to go on an Alaskan cruise.

Went skiing last evening with my nephew. I only live about 15 miles from the ski resort. It started to snow while we were there, but I didn't think too much of it...the conditions were getting better on the slopes. We started home and it was snowing really hard. I got about 1 mile from my brother's house and it turned into a complete white out. It was also thundering & lightening, so a true snow STORM and the worst conditions I had ever driven in by far. Was very relieved when I safely got home.

On the docket for today...spinning, STS Legs, disc 9 & STS stability ball abs.

Hope you had a great anniversary. You two are ahead of me (14 years this year) - but I'm on number 2.

I'm very envious of skiing being so close to you - I have to have a ski holiday - hopefully the Alps in March. How scary to be driving in a proper snow storm.

What's Pay it Forward? Never heard of that.

I walked and then did Bob Harper's Kettlebells today. Love that dvd. Nothing else - I'm longing to do another cardio session, but I know I have a tendency to overdo it.

I spent the afternoon making Seville Orange Marmalade. I think I licked the spoon too many times - I'm feeling a bit sick!!!!

Take care everyone,
I'm pretty sure Pay it Forward is simply taking the time to do something nice for someone. Pay for someone's coffee or meal. It may be tied with Martin Luther King Day, not 100% sure. Going to visit a co-worker tomorrow who recently had a baby. Each of us made a dinner for her freezer, so I guess I participated.

My shoulders and neck have been very sore all day, but couldn't imagine what I did. Then I remembered how tense I was Friday evening driving in the snow storm. I had a knot in my upper back till I got home, so that must be it. Today I did spinning and STS stability ball abs. Yesterday I did spinning & STS Legs, and then extended stretch.

I will be traveling this week for work and hoped to get a head start on next week's workouts, but that didn't happen. I had too many other things on my "to do" to get done. Maybe I'll take a yoga DVD with me to do in the hotel.

Nothing much to report - can't believe I'm almost on my recovery week - just 2 more discs left. Meso 1 will feel weird.
Lisa - hope you get rid of the tension in your neck - perhaps yoga in a hotel is just what you need!
I did the easier step from 4DS yesterday - yippee, I could follow it!

Well we've have to delay the anniversary dinner a week or two. DH got injured at work - gaffed through the calf. Customer who did it walked away without a word. Rude. He got it cleaned up, got a tetanus shot, and two staples. Spent the weekend with it elevated and icing on and off. He's limping around better today.

So no workouts for me this weekend! And this morning I was just lazy and didn't get out of bed. Back to it tomorrow, though!
Bummer about your hubby - hope you're a patient nurse!

Low Max today - loved it. A step routine that even I can follow. The burn really built in my thighs, too. I'm going to be doing some kick boxing later - I'll feel it tomorrow!
Hubby is doing better - beginning to put more weight on it. Did a half day at work to get some paperwork done, then elevated and iced it the rest of the day at home.


Legs, Disc 9. Felt GREAT to finish out Week 3 and get a good sweat on. Legs felts great. Forearms can barely hold onto the 35 lbs I am using. Don't know what to do when we increase! Get a barbell set???

To catch up I will do:
Wed: Disc 10: Chest, etc in am; cardio at lunch at work gym
Thurs: Cardio at home; training with daughter with her strength, speed, agility trainer (special parents and child session to experience what our gymnasts go through .. although on an easier level!)
Fri: Disc 11: Back in am; cardio at lunch.
Sat: Legs Disc 12 ...

Then rest and recovery week.

What do you all plan to do for recovery week???
Glad hubby's leg is improving.
Your week sounds amazing. You'll have earned that recovery!
Usually I try to do something for my recovery week- all those dvds that I don't do often enough. However, I'm off to London on Monday to stay with a friend for a few days - it's her son's 16th (he's my Godson). So it'll be Shopping Max, and Wine Bar Blast. :eek: I will try to get a run in whilst I'm there, honest.
How about you two? How active will your recovery week be?

Justine - have a blast! That sounds like a wonderful break.

It will be my first ever recovery week (I've taken lots of month long breaks, though! :D)

I am thinking of doing long cardios such as the Gauntlet/Terminator, etc ... some elliptical/runs at work at the gym .. and if I can force myself to ... Yoga/Stretch. lol I should look at what I have and plan something out so I don't just fly by the seat of my pants!
I hope that you don't mind me popping in here. It seems we are about the same place in STS. I am on my recovery week from Mesocycle 1. So this week I am doing lighter weight stuff, yoga, and cardio. I only did two days of the legs workouts in Meso 1 though as I am coming off surgery for a torn meniscus. That happened when I was near the end of my second round of Body Beast workouts. Yesterday started 10 weeks out from the surgery and so the last two weeks I am been breaking out light weights for lower body.
Yesterday I did Flex train and added in the Great Glutes compound legs/glutes segment, 73 minutes 514 calories. Today I started with Zumba Exhilarate Rush 23 minutes, then I did 30 minutes on my Tread Climber, finishing off with One on One Patience is a hummingbird yoga. 87 minutes 659 calories.
I am really enjoying the Paleo diet. It is working well for me. Today I tried a new recipe from Real Healthy Recipes. I was looking for a way to use the sardines. There was a baked dish with sardines, onion, garlic baked together with eggs and pepper on top and baked. It really is pretty good. There were no reviews. The only thing is my husband is going to come in and wonder what that smell is :)
As far as anniversaries we will be married 41 years in March. I have 7 grandchildren with one due in May and 3 children. I have two dogs and am now trying to train a 5 month old lab puppy that my husband rescued. I guess that is pretty much my intro for those that do not know me.
Welcome Diane! We're a small group, but mighty in strength (thanks to STS).

Sitting in a hotel in Philly hoping that I'll get home tmrw. Snow storm seems to have crippled this city and all flights out tonight were cancelled.

The hotel has yoga mats in the room. Lucky for me as I had UY Cardio with me. That isn't one of my favorites from the series, but doing that one the weeks I'm doing yoga twice a week due to the cardio emphasis. Have made pretty decent food choices, so far, on this trip. I don't seem to be crazing sweets and alcohol nearly as much...or just being more adament about saying NO. I did have a small dessert with my dinner this evening - it was part of the 3 course special, but no wine. Trust me, I wanted to!

Recovery week next week, I have some spinning planned, CrossFire & several yoga workouts. One of them is UY Yin. You hold the stretches for a very long time. I've only done that one once, but didn't feel there was enough of a warm-up to get as much out of the workout as intended. Anxious to try it again after doing my own warm-up.

Thanks for the Welcome :D Today I started with Kelly Coffey Trim down mixed trim down #2, 32 minutes. I then did Cathe's Lean Legs and Abs + bonus, 61 minutes I finished with Core Power Calorie Blast Yoga Ready to Sweat, 20 minutes. Total time was 113 minutes, 561 calories.

Lisa, I hope that you get to fly home. I generally carry a workout with me or have something on my ipad to do if I get the chance when I am away. That was good that they had a yoga mat there. I have tried it on bare tile and with a towel before in the hotel and it did not work well.

Justine, the visit to London sounds great. I was there when I was 10. My dad was in the military and stationed in England for several years.

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