STS January Check In - Welcome All!

I love the music on IMAX 2! The warm-up song "1, 2, 3, 4..." always used to get me pumped. I haven't done that one in a long time either.

I'm jealous that you are somewhere where your son can boogie board, it's -10 here in Ottawa. Brrr!

It's a goodie - everytime I do it I want to also do Rhythmic Step too!

San Diego has great weather year around - we complain about the cold when it drops below 70 :) Can't believe my son is still going in the water .. even with his wet suit, it's still cold on his head. He loves it.
Justine - do you do any warm-up before UY Yin? I've only done it once, but felt like I would have gotten more out of it with warming up my muscles first. I may do that later today.

Off to Dicks to purchase heavier dumbbells for this round of STS!!

Have a great day all!


I just mentioned to my hubby tonight that next meso may be time to invest in a barbell set. It was getting a little tough to hold the 30 pound db's for squats and deadlifts.
I agree, thanks to you and Horsing Around I bought Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. Also, very nice weight increases - that is awesome!!!

Today I did Cardio Leg Blast, it's quickly becoming a favourite. I didn't buy Cathe's latest but I am thinking of getting Lean Legs & Abs as well as Great Glutes, has anyone tried them? Do you recommend them?

The new set is great - a lot of fun, IMO. I used both LL&A and GG during the Nov butt rotation. I liked GG from the get-go. LL&A I wasn't keen on during the first go around, and nearly subbed it out when the second time came around, but I decided to give it a second try. I liked it that time. I think the set is a nice way to get two leg days in for the week, since the pair works so well together. There isn't a lot of repeated exercises, so they flow well and don't lead to a dread factor (except for floor work .. ugh for floor work .. something I need to suffer through more often.)
Happy Sunday Rest day :)

I just printed my workout cards for the week and need to get into bed .. 5am is going to be painful tomorrow after two weeks of vacation.

Spent today cleaning out the fridge and restocking it from Costco. Back to work tomorrow, which will be good for my diet! I'm a lot more regulated when I can only eat when I bring to work. When I'm home with the kiddos and hubby it's a lot of eating out .. and splurging! I have a lot of focusing to do before my DietBet weigh in on Saturday! It will be close .. but I think I am retaining of bit of water due to the upcoming Shark-Week arrival .. once that hits, the water should drop and I'll be ok for the weigh in.

I plan on doubling up on Cardio at least once this week at our new work gym to burn some extra calories on lifting days.
Hi all,
Today was an interval run, 45mins, with my dogs, then STS disc16. Feeling pooped now! It was drop sets, and my 'to failure' reps weren't very high. Still, I was lifting heavier that last time on disc 16. :D

Molasses - I was a bit lukewarm on Great Glutes, and Leaner Legs and Abs. Like Crazysoccermum, I have come to appreciate them. They're not really, really tough ones - very do-able, but some good moves. I'm another that doesn't like floor work. For some reason I find it really dull. But I should do fire hydrants and donkey kicks for the sake of my backside.

Lisa - I've never thought of warming up before Yin yoga :eek: It takes me quite a long time to get into the stretch. I need to concentrate on relaxing, and try not to rush it. Sometimes I think I'll never be able to get back out of the position. That's what getting old does for us!

LAFit Girl - I was supposed to be giving up the booze for January. Hasn't happened yet (whoops). I'll pick a day and just do a month or 6 weeks from then. I may need some support through the first few days! I love red wine.

Normally I swim on a Monday evening - but the girl I go with has cancelled, so I may do a bit of yoga. We'll see.

Here's to another strong week....
A Motivating Monday to everyone!!

This week I'm starting to incorporate some of the meal plan suggestions from BFFM. For breakfast I had 2 eggs with 1 cup spinach, 1 cup of mushrooms and a whole wheat slice of toast. I couldn't even finish the entire meal as it's much more than I'm using to eating.

I made my own black bean burgers yesterday. Had 1 for lunch with a whole wheat sandwich thin.

Good luck on cutting out alcohol! I'm not quite ready for that change yet...focusing on moderation & only on the weekends. I enjoy having a glass of wine with my hubby!

Today's workouts, STS D4 & STS No Equip Abs, along with shoveling snow!

Holy Drop Set Monday!

Phew - chest is fried and I know I will be feeling it later today. The 1RM gave me a too heavy weight for one of the shoulder exercises .. could only do 10 before form went.

Plan on Cardio Leg Blast again tomorrow! Stay safe and warm to all those in the cold areas.
Oh, love my wine, too Justine! It's just that my 'stop' button doesn't work sometimes :)

Today is the end of M1W1 round 1. Wednesday will be same M1W1 round 2. Seems like six months is a long way to go, but it's not like I'm gonna stop excercising when it's done.

I have to figure out which cardio's to do. I don't want to do the same ones for week one and week 2.
Walk with dogs (1 hour) and Kick punch crunch today. May also do some abs work.

Made the mistake of standing on the bathroom scales for the first time in 1 month.:mad: Forgot how hungry meso#2 makes me.

I'm now in a rather bad mood!

Major procrastination going on this am for me. By the time I finally got around to it, I only had time for half of the Cardio Leg Blast. But I did get the rounds 1-6 and a bit of the stretch done. Should have done it all.

But, the scale pissed me off this am as well. I'm totally bloated and waiting for things to start so that can go away. I have a DietBet goal to make this weekend, and I'm two pounds away. I know that the water weight between the weights and PMS can slip away overnight .. so hoping that will be the case.

I'm trying to stay focused on what I can control (food intake, midset, sleep, and exercise) and not stress over what the scale says. I enjoyed the holidays a bit much (too much eating out for lunches) and now I'm paying for it.
I realised how grumpy my last post sounded - and came back to apologise! Found I wasn't the only one with post-Xmas, ToTM, muscle-pump bloat :(
Crazysoccermom - I guess you could drink masses of water and go really low-carb the day before your weigh-in. I know it's not a 'real' solution, but it'd get the water weight off!
Well done doing half CLB - sometimes when I procrastinate, I just ditch the whole thing. Half is better than none.

LasVegas - I know all about not being able to find the stop button! I guess I'm an all or northing sort of girl. ;) I'd better make it nothing for a while! Also, I did the 6month sts rotation - it flew by (well, except for the last Meso). A process rather than an end point.

Lisa - I'd love to know how BFFM eating works for you. I eat quite like that anyway, but I'm really bad at measuring....portion control is my problem!

I've a few days with my daughter before she goes back to uni - so I'll be 'mothering' her and feeding us both! Perhaps next week I'll think of cutting back????

Good evening!

Didn't think you sounded that grumpy Justine. We've all been there, so completely understand.

Today I did UY Cardio. All those vinyasa flows kick butt! I keep reminding myself that yoga is a practice and am determined to get better.

I'll be sure to report my progress from BFFM. I think I'll take my accu-measurement Monday. I've been doing fairly well on cutting back on sweets. My weigh in day is tomorrow. But my hubby asked me to bake him a cake, so made a hummingbird cake. It has fresh pineapple, a banana & a plantain - that counts for something, right? I just remembered that I have whole wheat pastry flour that I could have used. That's what happens when I try to bake in the evening. I'm a morning person!

Keep up the great work!

Totally agree about the bloat. It seems I get bloated sitting at work all day. I thought it might be the salads I ate at lunch so I switched it up and I still get bloated and somewhat gassy (sorry, TMI). I never get like that at home so I figured it must be the hours of sitting.

Enjoying my rest day today. Although, I wish it were towards the end of the week when I'm more tired from working all week. Oh, well.

I agree, Justine, I'm an all in drinker or I have to go dry. I can't have just one!

CrazySoccerMom - I had two weeks off too. What an amazing vacation. I was kinda ready to go back to work, but I know it'll get old quick.

I don't think I'll mind about the 6 month rotation. At least I don't have to think about what workouts I'll be doing every day for a long time.

I hope y'all are weathering the cold. Although, back in the day it wasn't all that unusual. I was born and raised in Wisconsin!
Hi all - Wednesday is my toughie day - 45 minute interval run (with the dogs) and then STS disc17 (legs). It exhausts me! Plus I went to visit a garden with my daughter this afternoon - so that was another couple of hours wandering around. We had 'tea' at the end, though (as in a cream tea - sandwiches, scones with cream and jam and cakes - more sugar and carbs in half an hour than I've had all year).

I've realised there's something in the old adage that you can't out-train a bad diet. Back to veggies and lean protein sources for me. I'll start in earnest on Friday, when my daughter goes back to uni. Lisa - I'm going to have another flick through BFFM and come up with a plan.

Hope everyone's well, and not too cold (we haven't had this cold snap in the UK - 'just' floods)
I've realised there's something in the old adage that you can't out-train a bad diet. Back to veggies and lean protein sources for me.


How funny that you mention that. That was the realization I came to last night as well.

I *thought* I was getting me eating back on track, but after adding everything (breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack) ... I was nearly at my calorie total for the day .. and I hadn't even had dinner. Which turned into a cluster-you-know-what, as hubby was stuck at work and I had to scramble to do the soccer carpool, instead of cooking dinner. So we ended up eating out .. which was partly ok (brown rice, chicken veggie bowl, no sauce) and partly not ok (french fries before meal). Ugh. So after dinner I think the bloating, PMS, and the food-in-your-face got to me and I had a pity party in the Skinny Cow Costco candy pack (why-oh-why did I buy that?)

Anyhow - I felt crappy at bedtime from the sugar (which I rarely eat), but decided it was time to change. I'm training like an athlete, so I need to eat like one. Who mentioned the Tom Veruto book? Bought it last night on iBooks and stayed up too late reading it .. but still got up this am at 5am with less than 6 hours of sleep.

Pity Party over. I doubt I'll make the weigh in on Saturday, but I'm not giving up .. I'm just redirecting :) I'll make the Feb weigh in for sure (it ends in June .. as long as I reach the 10% by then, I'm in the winners circle.)

Up at 5am doing STS Disc 5 - Back and Triceps. Tough one today. Made it thru most of it with the 1RM suggested weights, but did lower the 'warm up set' from the 25 recommended for back, to 20.

In addition, I will have time to get some cardio in at lunch today. I think I'll try the new ellipticals at work this time.

Sorry for the rant - had to share/whine.
Crazysoccermom - you've hit a chord. I spend a long time, (and a lot of effort) building beautiful muscle. I am not going to let it be hidden by a layer of podge!

Good on you for working out at 5am!
Morning ladies!

Up early again. Wanted to get a long cardio done, so I did the new Greatest Hits Step. Did the full workout except for the athletic step recap (never done that workout.) But I added two of the cardio segments from C&W. 500 calories burned.

Have a great day!
Good evening. I was on the road today for work, so I didn't get a workout in. We got a puppy 2 days before Christmas and she needed my attention. I was supposed to do spinning today, so I'll make it up over the weekend. I'd like to stay on schedule with this rotation as much as possible.

I'm curious, on average how much time do each of you have to workout daily? My average is 60-75 minutes, during the week, 90 mins on Saturday and rest on Sunday.

Hi all - I'm really enjoying Meso#2. I'm not going too heavy on the legs days - I'd end up with huge thighs - but heavy as I can manage on upper body. Yesterday I attempted Butts and Guts - but only made it through the standing part (I'd done an interval run plus STS legs the day before), so I tacked on Upper Body Trisets. I was longing to do some cardio, but keep getting told that I overdo it (I did a 1 hour walk in the morning).
Today I've done my interval run, and am going to do STS Biceps and Back (disc 18, I think). I also hope to do a bit of yoga later. Last year I did the entire 108day UY programme - as written - but it aggravated my rotator cuffs, so I've cut back this year.
Lisa - I work from home (I gave up 'proper' work 10 years ago, and we now farm), so I have plenty of time to work out. What really helps is not having to constantly shower and put smart clothes on! I live in leggings or jeans and sweatshirts. I walk the dogs (or run the dogs) every morning, then do another workout later in the morning. I then do a 'double' once it's got dark (about 4pm) and I can't get anthing else done outside, and all the animals are away for the night.
Crazysoccermom - 500 calories that early is amazing. Keep it up. How's the nutrition side of things?
Today I'm back to eating properly. I know WHAT to do, it's just bothering to do it! I'm going to be 'good' until my recovery week, when I'm off to London to see an old friend.

That's the plan, anyway!

Take care everyone,
I'm curious, on average how much time do each of you have to workout daily? My average is 60-75 minutes, during the week, 90 mins on Saturday and rest on Sunday.


I have 60 mins or so during the week, and I can take longer on the weekends. My son does competitive soccer and my daughter compete in compulsory level gymnastics, so we sometimes have soccer/gym events on the weekends.

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