STS Equipment Question

I'm just finishing Cycle 2 and I have to say this cycle hooked me. I was dubious after the first cycle but wow, Mesocycle #2 kicks butt! One question I have is, can you provide the name of the piece of equipment you use to rack your barbell and do your pull ups/chin ups and where to purchase this, if possible? Thanks!
I can't use those doorway pull-up bars so I got this product:

Yesterday I realized I can also use it as a squat rack. I put the barbell on the dip handles. They are padded so the barbell won't roll off. It worked perfectly! I know the unit is not designed to do this, but necessity was the mother of invention for me.

I also use the unit incorrectly when I do pull-ups. I rest my legs on the captain's chair pads and pull-up that way. I can do a few "regular" chin-ups, but not pull-ups. This allows me to do the exercise in a modified fashion. I keep hoping not to hurt myself getting in and out of the position, but so far so good.

So far I haven't figured out a way to use it when doing bench presses. I have DH spot me. But if I keep thinking, maybe I can figure out a way to use this piece of equipment for that, too!

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