This is confusing, I am not supposed to take a 1RM for these. But the card is calculating a target weight based on the 1RMs I put in for these.
Even so if I don't take a 1RM I would still like to track the target/planned weight and the weight I actually used. How are we expected to do that? Through the Edit functionality maybe?
Also how do we decide how much weight to use for these? (I guess that's a better question for Cathe.. i will try another forum for that)
Back to the bug...
I went ahead and added 1RM for the missing exercises (that use weight but not 1RM) ...when I add the 1RM amounts for these exercises they show up on the card with the target weight calculated as a % of 1RM... Except they are not showing up for certain exercises.
E.g. From my Disc 3 Card its calculating the target weight for the first exercise below (that is not supposed to have a 1 RM max), (looks like it is using 60% even though it lists NA as the %) but not for the second exercies Calf raises, even though both list NA as % of 1RM
Sequential Lunge Into Front Kick Combo 5 15 9 NA
Calf Raises (dumbbell) NA 10 7 NA
I guess that was the source of my confusion... the card is calculating the target weight based on 1RM so it looked like a the bug was missing exercises but the bug is actually a problem in how and when the card is calculating % 1RM. Makes Sense?
Also some exercises that use weight are listed as "Body Weight".