STS Dip/Pull up bars


Hello, everyone, this might be a silly question...

I would like to use just one of the pull up bars to do pull ups vs having it connected to the second bar. Is it sturdy enough to do that? I would have my feet/legs extended straight out in front of me. I wasn't sure if, in this position, when I went to pull up, if it might tip.

Is anyone using theirs in this manner?

Thank you!
Hey MurphyMax,

I did FitTower TB today and used one STS Dip Bar for the chin-ups & pull- ups ... I did not have my legs fully extended, however, it was plenty stable with my knees bent. I don't have the UB strength to full extend my legs, so I couldn't test that. I could not do the elevated push-ups on it - too tippy, even when I moved the single bar against a wall. I have noticed using one bar seems a little unsteady even as a barre for balance for lower body work, just like a chair. I used to place a dumbell on my chair when using it as a substitute barre, so I put some dumbells on the STS bar legs and that seemed to make it sturdier, just like the chair. I'm thinking of making some sandbag weights for the bar legs so they don't get marred up with dumbells on the legs. HTH, Deb

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