STS chicks- Sun 2/8


Good morning all you STS chicks!!!

Hope you are having a great morning:D

Today is my rest day. I may do a 30 minute steady state session on my elliptical and then spend some time stretching. My hamstrings are sore from Friday!!!
Morning ladies!! Ooh, my bottom half still hurts today from Friday!! It really kicked in bad yesterday afternoon and I am still sore. I would bet though that is goes mostly away today. The DOMS seem to be shifting around in my bottom half. Started in the butt and hams and are now in my quads. That silly little teardrop muscle by my knee was feeling it, too!!! I am very happy to report that I love my scale this week. It claims I have lost 4 lbs, so I am going to go with that!:) Somedays, I don't like the scale so much. I have been seriously watching the food consumption - quality and quanity - and feel I am back on solid ground again. My goal thru this whole STS journey is to shake 20 lbs over the 3 months. Seems I am off to a good start. Today was supposed to be a rest day. DH has already called dibs on the dog walk this morning, and DS doesn't want to go, so I won't get to do that. But I gotta do something to shake out these legs. I'm thinking an easy 30 mins on the elliptical and then some good stretches. DH grandpa's 90th bday party is this afternoon at a pizza place Oh, how I love pizza. So I figure I need to move a bit today. I already have my eating plan in mind, though. No fried up, cheesed up appetizers. Salad and a slice of veggie pizza. If no salad, I'll go with 2 pizza slices. One glass of wine. Water. No cake unless its a homemade chocolate concotion. I know what bakery cake from the grocery store tastes like. It won't kill me to not eat it. DS appears to be feeling better. When I got home from work yest, he was outside playing a bit. He ate crackers and toast yesterday and all stayed where it was supposed to:) He was just tired, took a 2 hour afternoon nap, and went to bed early. Seems plenty chipper this morning, and has all his color back in his cheeks. I think tomorrow he'll be back 100%, this is a good thing. Well, I am off to start my day.

Good morning STS chicks. Today calls for rest day. I really didn't get DOMS in my legs. I really have a hard time with lunges and going deep. I can't seem to balance right. I did get a little DOMS in my UB.

Hi Cynthia and Nan.
Another est dayer here. I'm going to visit dS in college. I'll be ready to start STS again tomorrow. More DOMS - here I come!

ok ladies, what am i doing wrong!!! I've done the 1-3 STS dvd's and I feel nothing....i love the workouts, but in truth, they don't seem to be killing me the way a dvd like Butts/Gutts does..what gives??? Any ideas....I did do the 1rms....and i'm using heavy weight....I'm going to stick with it, but I was hoping for more of a "burn"
today is a rest day for me but I might do abs later. My knees were not happy yesterday - I was having a hard time walking.

I got DOMS in my butt from the leg workout and I can't go heavy, but not too much for the upper body. I guess everyone is different.

Happy Sunday!!
Hey ladies!

Just a walk with x vest and DS and stretchmax for me. Abs are sore from Ab circuits I did med ball and half of no equipment abs. Hope everyone is having a great sunday!!!!

Hey Ladies,

late in the day for me ;). I did disc 4 and those dreaded pushup are here again!!! Afterward took my dogs for a mile walk since it was a beautiful day!

Great job Nan!!! Me too I lost four pounds too...but I have to be careful not to slip on the eating....

Good evening, ok, I swear I posted here earlier today, but I guess I did not.

Today was disc 4 and stability ball abs, then the longest supermarket trip ever, and $270 later, I'm back, I can't believe I spent that much at the market. I had not been for about 3 weeks, so we were down on all the basics, but still!!

I've been cooking all evening, at least the food is coming out good, oh there is the timer for the last of it.

Have a good night all!
STS Fit Chicks Check-in

My goal for this STS rotation is to complete 4 cardio workouts every week. I missed my Zumba class Thursday night, so I went to the club late yesterday afternoon and jogged in the pool for 30 minutes.

I wrapped up the day with the Ab Circuits medicine ball abs and the extended stretch last night. I love, love, love this ab workout! It is very different from anything else in my collection. I especially enjoyed the standing segment. The stretch is nice and soothing. I prefer the Stretch Max music, and the stability ball segment of Stretch Max is still my personal favorite. This is good for variety.

I started the second week of the 5-month rotation this morning by revisiting the first workout. I went to Academy last night and bought a pair of Fitness by Cathe weighted gloves. I discovered last week that the weights in STS are very precise. My workout card calls for 13-pound dumbbells. I thought I could get by with 12-pound dumbbells. I could have done a few more reps, so I decided to invest in the weighted gloves. These gloves are very comfortable and helpful. I needed 13 pounds and 7 pounds for several exercises. What a difference a pound makes! I had to pause my DVD player a few times because putting the gloves on and taking them off throughout the workout slowed me down. I also had to transfer my risers from the incline bench to my high step topper since I do not have a chair in my workout room. All in all, this was an even better workout the second time! I am glad I decided to go for the 5-month rotation!

My body needs more sleep with this rotation. I took a 4-hour nap after church today! My menus are planned for the week, and I need to wrap up my grocery shopping for the week.

Focus and train hard this week!

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Hi All,

Funny, it is a rest day for me too. I am going to do the stretch dvd but hearing about all the DOMS from the leg dvd (scheduled for tomorrow) I may have to rethink things. Well, I guess I could stretch twice this week.

Elena - I too did not have a lot of DOMS with discs 1 and 2. I was sore but not what I expected but, it did sneak up on me when I wasn't looking.

Dela - I too spent a lot at the store this weekend. I went in for about 10 things but had my 4 year old with me. $200 later and I still don't have everything. I usually don't bring anyone with me, but the baby and DH were sleep and I like to do it in the morning before everyone is on the road so I had limited options.

Heather B. - I too love the ab circuits. I had some DOMS with it.


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