STS chicks Sat 02/07


Morning ladies!!! Today is an off day for me. Cardio it is. I'm thinking I might finally get that run in, as the weather is bee-yoooo-teee-full today. My tush and inner thighs are sore from disc 3. I was ok when I rolled out of bed this morning, ok thru reading the paper and eating breakfast, schlepping up and down the stairs a few times. I got in the car, came to work, and went to get out of the car - yowza!!!! What happened in the 40 mins I was in the car??

So, after spending 30 mins cleaning the bathroom to sparkly clean - and I am so not domestic - DS got the stomach flu last night. Made to the bathroom, he did. Right to the bathroom floor. And ALL over. This is why he has a dad. I do not do well with the belly monkeys. Blood and guts, I'm there. Belly monkeys - NOPE!! So, daddy spent another 30 mins cleaning up the bathroom. I knew DS didn't look right last night, and when he didn't want dinner, I figured something was wrong, but he insisted he felt fine. He looked much better and said he felt fine after he got sick, too. KIDS!! :rolleyes: It's been going around, though. I hope I don't get it. DH had it a few weeks back. Yuck.

Well, I'm at work, so I better get to working. Happy Saturday to all!

Hey Nan,

We must of posted at the same time! Happy Saturday.... Today is a rest day for me. But since it will be warmer here in NY Yeah! I will take my golden for a three mile walk.

I know what you mean....about those doms they sneak up on you! :eek:

Have a good day

Good morning!

Today is Drill Max premix 3. I'm getting ready to head on into my gym.
I'm dilly dallying sitting on the computer!

Nan, sorry about your boy.:( Hope he feels better real soon. Give him an extra hug for me.:)
STS Fit Chicks Check-in

Good morning! Between completing my first 5K a week ago in my goal time of less than an hour and faithfully finishing the first week of STS, this has been a joyful and triumphant week! I am fired up and ready to take on hell with a water pistol! LOL!

Are y’all loving STS as much as I am? I never imagined that I would find a serious weight training rotation that is so inspiring and fun! The music is great, the workouts are fun, and the time flies! Mesocycle 1 reminds me of an advanced “split” version of Supersets. The workouts are challenging enough to fry the muscle groups being worked without boredom or burnout. I was not sure how I would like an hour of focused weight training, but I am amazingly loving every minute of it!

The one-rep max tests are amazingly accurate. I never push myself this hard or lift this heavy when I do Supersets. The workout card tells me how much weight to choose, and I have faith and just do it. And I can! Wow! I am much stronger than I realized! My heaviest weights are 25 pounds, and I am already using 20 pounds in the first mesocycle. I will need more weights soon! I am glad I invested the time in completing my one-rep max tests. I am getting a better workout than I would with my personal favorite weights. LOL!

The STS workouts are so motivating that I am having fun with them even when I have to save them for after work. I am a morning glory girl all the way, but I am enjoying STS no matter what time of day it is! My first 5K last Saturday morning wiped me out. I rested Sunday morning, took a long nap after church, and recovered enough to tackle the first STS workout that evening. I watched the Super Bowl kickoff, put my game face on, and kicked off my Super Transformation Sunday! I completed all the workouts at night this week to be consistent and give my body 48 hours to recover between each one. I filled up with warm fuzzies and felt so good after the back and triceps workout Tuesday night. I love feeling so strong and accomplished after an hour of STS. Cardio gives me this burst of joy and energy. This is a first for me with weight training. Who knew that it could be enjoyable?

Please join me for a moment of silence. Thursday was a sad day for my beloved Butts and Guts leg blast premix. It lost its place in my heart as my favorite lower body workout of all time. Cathe was right on target when she affectionately referred to the Mesocycle 1 leg workouts as “Butts and Guts on crack!” Cathe even included my favorite firewalkers! I had a blast with the first leg workout of STS Thursday night, and my butt is still on fire! Fun, fun, fun! I modified, chose lighter weights for the weighted wall squats, and held the weights the whole time instead of breaking the 90-degree plane. I did not complete the one-rep max tests for legs, but I still enjoyed a super challenging workout with 8-pound and 10-pound dumbbells for most of the squats and lunges and 20-pound dumbbells for deadlifts. (I am around 144 pounds overweight, so I do not need to hold heavy weights for squats and lunges.) What a great workout! I am saving the bonus burn for next week so I will have something new to look forward to when I repeat this first week of workouts. I am ready to revisit this one again!

I am going for the 5-month rotation, and I am looking forward to revisiting the first week again starting tomorrow morning. I decided to listen to my body on cardio days and choose a workout accordingly instead of following Cathe’s cardio rotation. I had a blast with my Zumba class Monday after work and the 4-Day Split Higher Intensity Step cardio premix Wednesday morning. I also enjoyed the no-equipment segment of Ab Circuits Wednesday night. It was just right for me. I had to modify the more advanced planks, but it was very doable other than that. The extended stretch is nice and soothing.

The STS storybook cases are so pretty on my bookshelf and so not practical to use. I ordered new cases for my STS DVDs that are stronger and will hopefully release the DVDs without a struggle:


Friday was my rest day. Today is cardio day, and I am looking forward to the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix, another segment of Ab Circuits, and the extended stretch.

Nan, I hope your son feels better.

Therese, enjoy your rest day!

Cynthia, have a blast with Drill Max! Are you following Cathe's cardio rotation for STS?

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning, missed posting here yesterday, looooong work week.

I did Disc 3 yesterday, it's a tough workout! I don't often do long lower body workouts like that, so it certainly was a challenge. I was proud of myself for "just doing it" yesterday, I was home from work at 8pm with a rockin' headache, but the workout was the ONLY thing that got rid of the headache.

Today is my rest day, I did the yoga abs this morning, it was a nice workout, so far I like the med ball abs the best, I'll probably do stability ball abs next time.

Well off to get me some much needed highlights, enjoy the day! Finally warmer weather too! :D
Good morning everyone. I posted in the wrong forum. My back was really hurting last night because I think it was from the deadlifts. I am going to have to lower the weights on that. It wasn't a sore feeling.

Well I did the cardio premix of drill max and the weighted abs from ab circuit this morning. I really had a hard time with the plates. I did the best I could. I really need to work on my core. I was never an ab person. I have to admit I do really like the ab circuit as I feel like I am not rushing to keep up:)
Nan, I hope your son is feeling better. I also hope you do not get it, too. Don't you just hate that feeling, every little qualm of the stomach and you think "Oh no, I think I am going to get sick!"

I did Disc 3 yesterday and Scrambled Eggs (BM2). This is the third time that I have done Disc 3. I absolutely LOVE this one. I agree with you Heather. Butts and Guts has been my all time favorite Leg workout. My second favorite has been Legs & Glutes, then Leaner Legs.

This morning I pulled out Step Blast & Weighted Circuits. I haven't done this one in about a year. This one was always my favorite circiut workout. Now I rememebr why! I felt like I was in heaven doing this one. I do love all of the premixes on these.

I will be doing week 2 of the STS starting on Monday with disc 4, then on Tuesday I will do disc 6, then on Wednesday I will do disc 5. This way I cann do disc 6 (legs) two times in the week.

I am absolutely loving this new system!

Heather - Did you go on the road trip last year? I remember you so well from the road trip of 2007. I am glad to see how well you are doing.

My youngest, who just turned 8, this week had his tonsils out the day after his birthday. I have been staying home with him while he recuperates!

Hey STSers!

Today was Cardio, and per Cathe's rotation, DM Premix. But I wasn't in a "DM Premix" kind of mood. SO i did Turbo Jam Cardio party 2, and then did Abs Circuit: Weights & Plates. I felt pretty good doing the weights. Sometimes challenged but did everything. I did the Mtn Climbers and Spidermans with the plates, but from then on, :eek: I could not do many of those moves. I did maybe 2 or 3 reps of each. kind of frustrating, but i guess it's something I can work my way up to, right?

My legs, well mostly my BUTT, is killing me from Disc 3 yesterday!! Not so much my quads, a little in my hamstrings. I expected I wouldn't be able to WALK , but I'm doing ok.

Nan: Oh! Hope your son is better! My oldest son ALWAYS misses when he gets the pukies! :confused: Work is a good place to be, Enjoy!

Heather: You sound like you're REALLY enjoying STS! Me too!! I love everything about it. And I thought about B&G's yesterday while I did Disc 3 too. That maybe Disc 3 was better than B&G!!! Can it be??? I didn't realize Cathe made that "Crack" comment about Disc 3! Too funny! Too true! Congrats on your MARATHON! WOW! ... And you're 144 lbs OVER weight? you sound like you move like crazy! Good for you, you must be extremely fit in spite of your weight.

Cheryl: I never heard of Step Blast Weighted Circuit premix! Sounds fun!!

Tonight I start my "Work week" (I work overnight, 7p-7a, Sat & Sun nights). Dreading the lack of sleep!
STS Fit Chicks Check-in

I had a blast with the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix this morning. Fun, fun, fun! I need to take a shower, wash my hair, and get ready for my Christal Lites (weight loss prayer and support group) meeting this afternoon. I am looking forward to another Ab Circuits workout tonight and the extended stretch.

Dela, enjoy your rest day.

Barbara, I am loving Ab Circuits too. Be careful with those deadlifts.

Cheryl, it is so good to see you again! I am back on track with my fitness journey and ready to shine in 2009! Last year was a dark and difficult year for me, but I am still standing and kicking butt!

Chris, it was a 5K, not a marathon! A 5K is 3.1 miles. A marathon is 26.2 miles. BIG difference! LOL! Yes, I am 5'3" and weigh 274 pounds. My weight definitely slows me down. I finished the race in 55 minutes and 44 seconds. I had to walk the hills. Most of the runners finished the race in 30 minutes or less.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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I had a blast with the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix this morning. Fun, fun, fun! I need to take a shower, wash my hair, and get ready for my Christal Lites (weight loss prayer and support group) meeting this afternoon. I am looking forward to another Ab Circuits workout tonight and the extended stretch.

Dela, enjoy your rest day.

Barbara, I am loving Ab Circuits too. Be careful with those deadlifts.

Cheryl, it is so good to see you again! I am back on track with my fitness journey and ready to shine in 2009! Last year was a dark and difficult year for me, but I am still standing and kicking butt!

Chris, it was a 5K, not a marathon! A 5K is 3.1 miles. A marathon is 26.2 miles. BIG difference! LOL! Yes, I am 5'3" and weigh 274 pounds. My weight definitely slows me down. I finished the race in 55 minutes and 44 seconds. I had to walk the hills. Most of the runners finished the race in 30 minutes or less.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

You might be overweight, but you shine. You shined at the road trip when I met you in 2007. You did so well with all of Cathe' classes. You really inspired me, especially when you did her step class. You stood right in the front row just to the left of Cathe. I did not see that your weight inhibited your movements at all.

It is great that you still move your body and continue to do Cathe's workouts. Especially this new advanced STS program.

I think it is your faith in the Lord that keeps you strong. I am sorry to hear that last year was a dark year for you. I think this year will be your year to shine. You have the strength and the stamina to keep on going. You area definitely a light that shines on the hillside!

I just finished disc 4. I started week 2. It was tough. Very similar to disc 1. Since my lats were so sore and not my chest from disc 1 (assumed it was from all the pushups), I substituted 2 sets of push ups for 2 sets of bench press with dumb bells. My upper body is fried.

My butt hurt sooooo bad yesterday. I did legs on thursday. It does feel better today. I figured out that my rug in my basement is not suited for sliding. I tried my sliders upstairs in my living room and they slid very easily. I think I have a remanent of my upstairs rug, so i will try that for the next round of legs. I still don't think I will be able to use weights though. Those sliders are sooo hard.

I really love this program and being able to print out the wrkout and update your weights. I am keeping a very accurate record of this program. I am finding myself looking foward to the next weight workout. That is not usually the case with me.

Have a great day.

good afternoon!

I had a bunch of running around this morning and cleaning (YUCK) The weather here in florida has finally warmed up, so i am going to throw my X vest on and taking my son for a nice long walk. Then I think Stretch max and an Ab workout from STS but not sure what one.

Chris my Butt is soooo sore! Quads and hamstrings are feelin it but not like my butt. I also thought I would not be able to walk

Nan hope your son is better! mine has a sinus infection but thank God his ears are not infected!

Cheryl and Heather I agree with Butts and Guts as my favorite It used to be legs and glutes

heather congrats on your 5K!

Hi Barbara, Therese, Cynthia

Tracy :)
Hi Everyone,

I went on a walk today with a friend. We try to walk together one day on the weekend if it's not too cold or wet. My knees were more sore than normal - maybe it was from KPC I did last night but this one is so easy to modify to low impact.

I love STS so far and I hope to do pull ups when this is done. If I make the accomplishment, I will record it from my camera or cell phone.

Heather, a 5K run is a big accomplishment. When I could run, I enjoyed it and ran a few races. It was running that messed up my knees back in 1985 :mad:.

Enjoy your weekend!!
Happy Saturday!

The weather is great here in Chicago, and I was able to get in a nice outdoor run. I also did Disc 4 today, as well as the "no equipment abs". Both were very challenging in a good way. Chrissy, I see you did Disc 4 also -- I found a couple of the shoulder exercises (especially the one with the band) really hard.

To all of you with a sore butt, I can relate.... it took 3 days to get back to normal.

Congrats on the 5K, Heather.

Hello everyone,
I did disc three today and was surprised at how fast the time went. I felt a little cheated at the end of the workout, I thought it was going to be tougher. I didn't have any trouble with any of the exercises and I hope I get the same "burn in my butt" that many of you have posted. Time will tell....

Hey ladies!
Late check in here but I took a rest day today. Tomorrow is my long run. :) Have a great evening.

Kathy G
Happy Saturday!

The weather is great here in Chicago, and I was able to get in a nice outdoor run. I also did Disc 4 today, as well as the "no equipment abs". Both were very challenging in a good way. Chrissy, I see you did Disc 4 also -- I found a couple of the shoulder exercises (especially the one with the band) really hard.

To all of you with a sore butt, I can relate.... it took 3 days to get back to normal.

Congrats on the 5K, Heather.


Yes I had a hard time with the shoulder exercises. The barbell exercises I couldn't complete, I didn't do my 1RM with these but my weight was light. The seated overhead press I was supposed to use 18 lbs. By the time that exercise came up, I could even do that once. I was down to 12lbs with that one and couldn't even complete all the reps. I will be curious tomorrow if my shoulders are sore. I never get sore in the shoulders but there is a first time for everything!!

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