STS Check-in Week of 8/30 (for those starting in Sept)

Good Morning Everyone-

I fell asleep last night watching tennis then got off the sofa and fell into bed before I had a chance to check-in.

Jenn - the tennis last night was not very exciting, I dont blame you for moving over to Top Chef, the next few days should be pretty good though if you happen to give it another shot. :)

Yes, Heather, I will own up to my addiction... I am a tennis junkie! lol At least my addiction only flares up 4x a year in regards to being glued to the tv. After Sunday night when the US Open ends I will start going through a few days of tennis detox and hopefully recover fully. ;)

Janis- I am actually a newbie to playing too. I have always loved watching tennis and occassionally playing in the neighborhood courts growing up and on and off through adulthood but never really took any lessons or anything. A few months ago I was watching tennis and finally listened to the small voice in the back of my thick head that what I really wanted was to learn to play tennis and believe it or not, actually consider the idea of competing in the leagues when I am ready. So now I have a new focus and motivation for getting myself in shape, working on dropping my extra weight and learning to play tennis. I havent started formal lessons yet, thats my reward for completing the next 3 months of STS rotation and pushing myself fitness wise. For now I have a few friends that I play with once or twice a week and then I try to practice at least once a week at the practice wall and buckets of balls to serve on the courts. Its great and it has completely changed my focus on my body and fitness which was definitely needed.

Anyway, yesterday I did disc 4 and yes, my shoulders and my forearms felt it. All was good until the last two sets of 21's when I looked at the weight suggested and I laughed and lowered it a bit. lol Perhaps at the beginning of the workout that weight would have been ok, but not at the end. Also, walked on the treadmill again while watching tennis. lol

Looks like all of you had good days, I am very impressed with the running and the swimming and how well everyone is doing with the STS workouts. :D

I agree on it being a good idea to change the name of our thread and making it daily. Lets see if we can find our creative hats and come up with something. Suggest away...

Alright, enough of my rambling, time for me to get out the door to work.

See you later tonight and I hope all of you have a good day. :cool:
Hey Everyone

I am off to do Disc 2 and I was thinking of names for our check-in...

STSer's Starting Again in Sept.
Sept. STS Restart - Let's Do This Again
September STS - Ready to Restart

I don't know... my brain is not working yet!
See you later
Hey Ladies!

I just finished disc 5. My thoughts - I could have gone heavier on the delt double arm row, I think they're called drop sets. I am disappointed in myself that I went with my original weights, not what I felt I could do. Sometimes I feel like I could give more, but I hold back.

I totally failed on the chin ups/pull ups this round. Only eeked out three pull ups and two chin ups, then it was back to the tension band thingy.

Boy, it sure is nice to 'know' what's next, and how to set up/proeceed to the next exercise. I think that is the beauty of doing STS a second time through. Set up/break down is simpler now. I was also thinking that there are so many ways to improve and challenge yourself through all the meso cycles, I wonder if I would ever get bored/tired of it. :)

I liked the name ideas you came up with Heather, here's a couple more, I'm looking forward to Jenn's and MJ's ideas too: STS Sept-Dec. I really liked the "let's do it again" suggestion, so we could have "let's do it again STSept-Dec." or something like that. Jenn? MJ? ideas???

Oh - my muscles are talking to me now! Maybe I did go heavy!:D
Well my muscles definetly spoke to me after disc 5 and I think I slept wrong. I woke up with kink in my neck and could barely turn my head to the left. As the day went on it got better. So I took a rest day today and will see how I feel in the morning.

I like Heather's suggestions.
Hello Ladies-

Finally made it back home from a very long, long day at work. I think the combo Janis suggested with lets do it again, sts sept-dec would work pretty well for a check-in name. I am just happy to have a place to check-in with like minded peoples going for their goals, even if I am the only tennis-junkie in the group. lol ;) (although I have a sneaking feeling that each of you have something that you are a junkie over, we just havent uncovered it yet :p)

Janis I think 3 pullups and 2 chinups is pretty darn good, not a failure at all. I am still on modified ones with my feet on the floor kind of like the crew does on the sts tower, so your being able to do some is pretty impressive. :)

How did disc 2 work for you Heather? And how are the legs recovering after disc 3?

Jenn, I hope your neck kink feels better, thats not a good feeling when that happens at all.

I need to decide if I am going to work out tonight or turn this into my rest day for the week. Debating if I have the tiredness that working out actually makes better or if I am just physically & mentally too tired and need to rest instead.

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