STS and Stretch Routines


Throughout Meso One, I utilized the extended stretch. Now that I am beginning week three of Meso two, I am a little tired of the Extended Stretch. This past week I used the three Stretch Max routines after STS.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for good stretch workouts to utilize with STS. Also does anyone have a stretch routine that more directly emphasizes lower body to use after STS legs and an upper body stretch routine to use after STS chest, back, arms?
I've been using Stretch Max this week also - my favorite is #3 with the band. But another one I really love for lower body is the stetch on Butts & Guts. My legs always feel great after that one. I did that the other day after Disc 9.

I have only done the extended stretch once. After doing about an hour of weights, I just don't want to sink that much more time into a stretch. Instead, I put in the stretch segments of the gym styles or other weight workouts and do those to shorten the time factor.

Thank so much for your replies. I will try your suggestions. I did not think of using the stretch segments from other Cathe workouts!
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I know they aren't very long, but a lot of times after an STS disc I just do one or two stretch segments from gym styles, muscle max, ME, etc.

I really like Cool It Off by Debbie Siebers (part of the Slim Series program at It is very thorough and 60 minutes long (for when you want a solid stretch on a rest day.) I am also going to invest in Stretch Max (but don't have it yet!)

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