<---STS 6 Month Alumni Week of July 18!!!--->

Cendrine, YES being prepared for tests makes all the difference in the world! I'm really glad you're enjoying the Pilates! It is a great workout! I've missed the ones at the gym lately since we've been busy on the weekends. But I was surprised how much I liked it. It's a nice change of pace. I'm glad you're getting to workout more again! Also, I'm sure the Acupuncture will help your back, but like all things it will probably take a couple of visits before you start feeling results. :D
Jo, I'm glad your pt visit went well and that she can fix you ;)

It's nice that you can continue working out while you're healing!

I realize it's probably going to take a few visits before I can tell anything, so I hope I can start the ball rolling soon.

We had a change of swimlesson location and I got caught without sunscreen at a later time in the day.... so I am putting aloe on my shoulders.... I hate it when I get sunburned! I did enough damage in my teens, don't need to add now....
Hello Hello! It's Thursday!

Yesterday was long day after PT appt., then I had school and didn't get home until 10:45. This morning I have an early meeting so have to get going so I can prepare. Tonight is resort night but I'm feeling really tired right now. I had trouble going to sleep last night as I was still doing math in my head and couldn't shut it off! Anyway, I'll spin no matter what but may skip water aerobics depending on how I feel. I'll have to be up early again tomorrow as we have a guy coming to clean the air ducts (our next attempt to help my sinuses! :D) That should also help with dust in the house.

Oh Cendrine, I with you on the suncreen! When we were kayaking this last time and out on the water for so long, I was wearing SPF 60 and had my legs covered. I do have a light weight 50 UV long sleeve shirt to wear for outside running or walking. Though I do like a little tan, I'm fine to go tanless these days! :cool:

Anyway, off I go! Hope you're all enjoying the day!

Oh, one more thing...I can tell my arm is already better after that one visit. It didn't hurt when I rolled on it last night (still can't put it back) but it's a significant improvement over yesterday morning. She did say it may get better then a little worse, then better, etc. I'm happy! So far so good!
Another session at the pool checked off! The kids are doing really well, I'm happy with the progress they are both making.
I'm taking some down time this morning, I'm way busier running around with the kids than I like... So today is me time...LOL!
I'm snacking on our first backyard harvested zucchini and healthy home made artichoke dip (it's really good and no sat fat at all!) Tastes great!
Pilates workout is done, I do feel the itch to buy some new ones for keeps...

Jo, I would feel tired too, with all you got going on. Getting home at 10:45 and then not being able to shut off the math (which is exactly what happens to me when I have something going on at night and then come home trying to go to sleep right away) Isn't it odd how it is hard to shut it off like that?
Oh my goodness!
I have been busier than I like to be! First we had to finish an area yesterday at the preschool that had to be opened back up today so we got home at 8 and yesterday afternoon , DH started feeling bad. By the time we got home he was running a fever and freezing. Keep in mind it's 100 outside! So this morning, I did not even wake him up. (since when I got up he was wearing a quilted flannel , jogging pants and had 2 blankets) I thought the work that had to be done today would be a breeze. I had to tear up 2 flights of stairs and get them ready for the new stair treads. The carpet was super stuck and it took me all day to get them up and scrape them. I can really feel that I am going to be sore tomorrow. So it was an icky day! Thank goodness it was a rest day this morning. I think that extra hr of sleep helped me alot.

Jo-Although it is not really funny , I had to laugh that you were icing the wrong spot! At least you are an eager healer! haha! Who isn't I wonder? lol I guess there are those people out there that just want to have an injury for sympathy and attention..Weird though I think! I guess they might think that we are weird because we intentionally make ourselves sore! LOL
DH and I are high school sweet hearts. We have known each other even longer and when I first met him I didn't like him at all! :rolleyes: Goes to show how much I know! We were really young then though and I thought I was just so cool and I thought he wasn't..HAHA Now I could not imagine a day without him.

Cendrine-I am definitely thinking about getting the 57 workout but I am waiting until this job is over so I can really research some workouts. I have not really had too much down time for that.
I love artichoke dip. You can share that recipe if you want to also;)
And I hate a sunburn too. We are supposed to go to a lake on Saturday and I will be applying liberally before I even get dressed. That is my one way to make sure I am totally covered. Like Jo I would love to be tan but I am just not the tan type...fair and freckled so since I have gotten older and come to my senses I never go without sunscreen.

Kim-I figured that once the builders finally got started that you would see progress pretty fast. They seemed really confident about their turn over date so they must know how to fast track things.
Congrats on the stats! YOu made great improvement!!!!!That is one of the nice things about Insanity is that it has that fit test!
As far as work goes, I think it is going to be slim this winter. The shop that we work out of has kind of been slow for the summer. Normally we would be working 2 jobs at a time to get all the summer work done but they have not had near as much going on. We are going to be ok though. We will just have to be careful but we save for the slow times so we will still get to eat!

Yea tomorrow is Friday!!!

Wow Rachel, what a day you've had, or should I say week! You are an amazing worker! It will be nice when you get a chance to have some down time and research time!

Here's the artichoke dip recipe:

Artichoke Dip
12 artichoke hearts
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
freshly ground pepper and sea salt
Blend in BlendTec and serve as a dip or tossed with quinoa.

The acupuncturist I wanted to go see turns out to only be 60% covered so I found another one in network and certified and all and am able to go tomorrow before lunch! Wish me luck!
I'm on holidays for 2 weeks!:D:p:)

The plan was to leave right after work today to go camping but it's pouring rain! It's actually supposed to clear this evening and be a beautiful/hot weekend (27C). We're all packed but decided to spend a quiet evening at home and then head off first thing in the morning so we didn't have to set up camp in the rain. It's about a 75 minute drive to this lake.

Rachael What a hard day you have had! That was very nice of you letting your DH sleep! Is he feeling better?

Cendrine I'm glad that your kids are enjoying their swimming lessons. My kids are also enjoying their lessons even ds who doesn't usually like them. How nice to enjoy stuff from the garden. After work I picked a huge bowl of peas, as well as lettuce and carrots. Oh I feel you on the sunburn, I burn easy as well. OUCH! Sounds like you did your research on finding a good acupuncturist.

Jo Sounds like you found a good physio! That's great that you're seeing benefits already! Did you skip the water aerobics?? I did see Jillian the other night, it was a good show. It's hard to believe the changes that people do in 6 weeks all on their own.
I started an album labelled "house". Only 2 pictures in there, nothing too exciting yet but it should get more interesting:D As you can see in the picture that we have neighbours across and beside us but it's going to be a large park behind us.
Kim, I find those pics really interesting! There are not too many houses in the south with basements so that is a part of construction that I never see. It is going to be fun seeing your house go from the ground up. I hope you have a great time this weekend. I think it was a good call on not leaving in the rain. It is miserable setting up camp when it is raining.

Well I did 4DS LIS today and my legs barely wanted to raise high enough to get on my on risered step..LOL Then when I got to the stretch , my body responded and basically told me that is what it had wanted all along...haha Needless to say it was not the best workout I had all week but it's OK. They are not all gonna be homeruns right!
DH is better. I think if he would have went to work, he would have stayed sick. That is what happened the last time. That is when he got pink eye. All I wanted was for him to stay home and rest and get better and that is what happened. He even did the laundry!:eek: Now I don't have a mountain of that to look forward to this weekend.

Cendrine-That dip looks great! Do you use canned or fresh artichokes?
I can not wait to hear about the acupuncturists today. I love alternative medicine! I know you won't need it but GOOD LUCK!

Jo- I am sure you were home to bed after resort night. I hope you have your energy back. Have a great day!

Better go! Yea FRIDAY!
Kim, I second Rachel, good call waiting to go until today... You are probably off by now, have a great vacation!

Rachel, I use the artichoke hearts that come marinated in a jar from Costco. If I didn't have access to that I would use the canned kind.
I'm glad you got a good stretch in, and don't beat yourself up about it not being your best performance... No one is grading you!
I'm glad your dh is feeling better. I hope you don't catch what he had! Dd had a fever last night.... and this morning she was complaining about a sore throat but is a happy camper right now, so I hope she won't go for round two, like ds did...
Finally! I thought Friday evening would never get here! LOL
Not too much to report...We are going to the lake tomorrow. It should be nice. It is a private lake that I have never been to so I am looking forward to going somewhere new. It will be like a little mini vacation.
DH is still running a fever off and on. He is out on the tractor right now trying to sweat what ails him out...haha I told him he should rest instead but he is hard headed so I am not going to waste time arguing with him:rolleyes:
I have got a million and one things to do but am too pooped to do any of them so I think I am just gonna laze around for the rest of the evening.

Cendrine-YOu are so right about me not getting graded...I do not know why I come down on myself about some of the weirdest stuff. It's not like there won't be better workouts!
Wasn't acupuncture today? How did it go?
Normally I don't get what dh does and I attribute it all to eating healthy. I eat alot of peppers which I think really help things alot. He of course as every one knows does not eat well at all! I wish he would just listen to me when I tell him he will develop a taste for all these healthy things if he would just try but it is like trying to get a 5 yr old to eat the green stuff! :rolleyes:

Happy Saturday! I got busy yesterday and never made it back to post!

PT was good yesterday and I some more good progress on range of motion. They had me do some shoulder excerises with tubing, the body glide and then use a machine on me that helps with pain. I like it!

Kim, have a great time! (I know you're gone!)

Rachel, do you think DH may have an infection somewhere? Or a touch of something? Hope he's feeling better! Have a great time at the lake!

Cendrine, does dd have what ds had? Gosh it seems like there's a lot of sickness and weird summer colds going around!

We are off for my company picnic today - it's actually sunshine today and high about 85! Yeah!!!! So have lots to get done this morning! Have a great day everyone!
I didn't have time to come back and report on my accupuncture visit. Bad news is, my insurance only covers accupuncture if you have osteoarthritis...:( But the acupuncturist is a nice guy and was very thorough and waved my first visit fee! So Dh and I are thinking to give it a try, the dr said usually with my situation people see results in 3 visits. That would not be too bad on our wallet, if I don't have to keep going back for updates... Anyway, he did a lot of examining before ever putting needles on me. He put them by my ankles, knees, wrists, lower back and head, didn't hurt, then he hooked the needles up to some electric thing to stimulate more and put me under a heat lamp. Then he did some stretching and put some lotion on my back and gave me some funny tapes with metal pieces into my ear for the next few days....
I had a really bad headache yesterday and he was treating me for that too, provided it is hormonally caused. It didn't let up yesterday but this morning I woke up feeling better and my head clearer than it has been so I feel good about that. Also, I know it's really too soon to say but I do feel my back is happier, it was acutally worse when I went in to see him than it has been in a while and now I have less pain. I hope it's gonna keep getting better from here.
I am planning on a nice down day today. It's 9 am and I have already cleaned as much as I'm going to clean for the weekend, tended to my porch flowers and am ready for the day. Now I think I will go relax and read for a while:)

Rachel, have fun at the lake and Jo, enjoy the picnic! My sunburned shoulders are finally looking skincolored again... I am going to not wear sleevless for a couple more days to give them a break and am going to put sunscreen in my car so I don't get caught without it at bad times of the day. Luckily so far not peeling of the skin, so I'm hoping the sunburn was not as bad as I thought.
Good evenin!
I did not have time to post this morning cause I was super busy getting everything rounded up.
We had a great time but that sun really does suck all the energy right out of ya when you get back home to the a/c.
It's funny I thought I put sunscreen over my entire body (I always put it on before I dress when we go to the lake) but when I got home I seemed to have missed the part right around my bottoms. Just right around them mind you! LOL
So now I have basically an underwear imprint! haha I even wear an underarmor shirt to make sure I am covered for the most part but it must have been hiked up at some point in the day. Too funny!:p

Now I have to make up for some lost time today but next week is going to be getting close to the end of our job so I am not going to stress out too much about getting alot done around the house. We are the only ones that see it anyway and if us and the cat can take it then thats all that matters!

Cendrine-Insurance ticks me off so much some times! Sometimes I begin to wonder what they do cover! I am glad you are feeling like it might have worked and it was nice of the dr to wave the fee for the first time visit. That might mean that he is so confident in this procedure that he feels you will feel enough of a difference the first time that you will definitely come back. If that is the case then maybe it is worth the 3 or so visits that it will tke to make a significant difference. I do hope it works!

Jo- I hope you have a great time at the picnic. It sounds like the weather is right for it! I watched the tribute to Phil Harris the other day. It was so good.
I am glad the pt seems to be working for you too! Maybe you can get this arm issue behind you quickly!
Dh is better. I wish he would go to a dr to see if there is some reason why he keeps getting this fever issue but he won't. You know men sometimes...Big wieners! LOL

Rachel, I had the same thing happen to me the other day when I sunscreened and must have missed an area right around the edge of the seam... It was a square back blouse kind of thing and the edges weren't covered well enough. just a little bit, though probably from moving around and stuff. Underwear imprint sounds funny!
I totally agree with you, if you and the pets don't mind what your house is like then why bother, there will be plenty of time to clean again another weekend!

I was very pleasantly surprised that the dr gave me a free first session, stuff like that speaks for itself, like you said. I'm going to try to go back on Tues and Fri of next week, since he said twice a week would be good. And the next weekend will give me time to think about wether I need more.

Oh and you guys, dh finally found a stud in our porch ceiling, the hammock is up and hanging! Yay! You can guess where I am going to be tomorrow morning! LOL!

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