:)-->STS 6 month alumni-June 5<---(:

Afternoon all,

My workout tonight is baseball if it doesn't rain. Had a BBQ lunch on site today so a bit of an extra long break at lunch - really, I do work you know!!

Kim - what I meant to say it was 30 degrees C but with the humidity it felt like 40! Kind of like it's -10 today but with the windchill feels like -20!

Rachel - +40c = 104F so hot hot hot and its a humid hot not a dry hot. Nice to have another day off!
I can't believe I haven't posted since Wednesday... LOL! The dip was a big winner, everyone asked for the recipe...LOL! I'll post it here too once I get it typed up but don't have time now because we are getting ready to leave in a half hour for big bear for the weekend. Its a boy scout campout and I told another mom who wanted to go that I'd bunk with her... :rolleyes: Dd is really looking forward to being able to go this year, since she and I stayed home last year. Another boys sister her age is coming also so they will have lots of fun.

Patricia, in Swizterland it is always rather humid in the summer too, so it feels a lot more hot than it really is. Here in California, though, we sometimes get temperatures that would scare me were they in Switzerland, but because it is so dry it does not feel as hot as the thermostat states. Weird how that works. Still, I can't believe you are in the 30-40 feel up there! We are in the 60s right now, which would be about 20s in Celsius I think...

Rachel, it's nice you got an extra day off! And a little more rest never hurt anyone... ;) Apparently I can do weights again next week, they said to lift slowly, so I'm thinking of doing slow and heavy with medium weights and see how it goes. I haven't done that one in a while and then I'll do the biking for cardio. Hopefully all will go well!

Kim, I am so amazed at the hockey fans in your town, and how far out in advance the tickets are sold out! Amazing! Enjoy your run tomorrow!

I'm not going to be able to check in for the weekend because I don't think my cell will have reception up there and we are not supposed to bring electronics....:rolleyes: Isn't stopping dh from packing the portable dvd player for the kids to keep quiet in the car....LOL! It looks like four families are caravaning up together and I think we will have dd and her friend in our car and ds will be in her brother's car going up, so maybe we won't need it, but just in case they get bored....;)

Have a fun weekend, all!
Somehow ended up with a bit of a cold so I took yesterday off from exercising and went to bed early. Today was 4DS Kickbox but I substituted some of the leg work with the barre work from LBB.

Rachael DS definitely was disappointed that this school wasn't as sports oriented as the other school. The other kids just don't seem as interested either.

Patricia Are you off to the cottage? I can't believe the heat that the east is getting. I saw on the news about the thunderstorm that hit Toronto.

Cendrine Have fun at camp!! I bet the kids will have a blast! It's nice that the whole family can go.

Looking forward to the weekend, I did end up working today. Then this evening was groceries and workout so should be nice to have some relaxing time tomorrow. DS is at a friend's for a sleepover.
Good Saturday afternoon All

Just finished Step Works (well combos 1 & 2 - 40 minutes is my limit for cardio then I get too bored):p I laughed b/c Cathe's hairstyle is close to what I just got last night! I was kind of scared getting my hair cut and coloured as I was using someone new (my old one had left) + I had only be to this salon 2x before. I could tell this guy wasn't all that experienced too - only 25 but very hip so I was hoping for something hip too which I think I got. DH is okay with it (he likes me with long hair) but says it makes me look older - talk about a little too much honesy:eek: I got a really bad body perm earlier this year and my hair is frizzie so I'm trying to get rid of it but cutting it out. It's short and jagged. The only problem with short hair is if you have a bad hair day there isn't much you can do about it. Long hair atleast you can pull back into a pony tail.

Kim - I feel you on the cold. DH had one last week which he was kind enough to share with me and DS. I only felt bad for about 3-4 days but the stuffy nose just won't quite go away. The barre work from LBB is similar to P57. DH had to work today so no cottage. We were quite surprised to hear about the t-storm (and even a bit up north) as we didnt' get anything here - only 20min west of T.O.

Cendrine - have a fun time at camp. I think camping is some of my most memerable experiences I remember from childhood - the camp that your parents leave you at though!
Seeing feeling icky from my cold. Didn't sleep well last night. I did do GS Chest and Triceps and 20 mins on the tm. Didn't run all the 20 mins though as didn't have the energy. I did do the whole pushup drop set on my toes though! Push ups are easy since I completed Insanity.

DD, DH and I went for a hour long walk this afternoon on a nearby walking trail we wanted to try. I had a short nap when I got home and then we went out for dinner.

Patricia, I want a picture of the haircut, and the purple exercise room!! I'm sure the cut is cute! I really need to get my hair done, it's so easy to keep putting it off another week.
I'm thinking of doing more barre work. I build muscle easy, I'm finding that I"m looking quite heavy after years of heavy weight lifting and it's hard to be challenged with leg weights anymore. I used to be able to run marathons and now running is so hard. When I ran I wasn't into the Cathe like weights. Now instead of being lean and toned, I feel thick and heavy. Yes, I can do a lots push up on my toes and doing a million reps of squats with a pair of 30 lb dumbbells but I don't look as good in my clothes.
I'm thinking that Cathe's new series might be what I need.
Did Kickmax today. DS joined me for some of it.

DD and I went and did some sundress shopping while DH and ds went and bought ds a suit for junior high grad!! He looks so cute!

Pretty relaxing day overall, which is good as it's going to be a busy week.

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