Hi Cathe,
After attempting the STS 3.5 month rotation unsuccessfully over the summer, I've come back to try again. I am now in week 4/meso 1 of the STS 6.5 month program and loving it! The rotation doesn't call for an active recovery week until all of Meso 1 is completed. That's another month away and quite frankly, I don't know if I can make it. I am loving the rotation and getting results already but I am getting tired and could use the break soon. If I were to take an active recovery week between weeks 4 and 5 and then again at the end of meso 1 do you think that would have any negative affect on the results I will get from the program? I'm thinking it won't but I wanted to check with the expert just incase!
After attempting the STS 3.5 month rotation unsuccessfully over the summer, I've come back to try again. I am now in week 4/meso 1 of the STS 6.5 month program and loving it! The rotation doesn't call for an active recovery week until all of Meso 1 is completed. That's another month away and quite frankly, I don't know if I can make it. I am loving the rotation and getting results already but I am getting tired and could use the break soon. If I were to take an active recovery week between weeks 4 and 5 and then again at the end of meso 1 do you think that would have any negative affect on the results I will get from the program? I'm thinking it won't but I wanted to check with the expert just incase!
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