STS 3.5 month vs 6.5 month roatation


Just wondering what the benefits are of doing one over the other? Does the 6.5 month give you better definition, better results, ect? If you've done both which did you prefer and why?
I am nearing the end of the 5.5 month rotation (2 months of M1, 2 months of M2, 1 month of M3) and it's also my first round of STS. Coming from the point of view of someone who the 1RM's did not work for, the longer rotation is a blessing because it gave me 2 opportunities to get my weight loads right for each work out. It also gave me more of an opportunity to increase my weight loads overall. I love it. I am due to finish in July and am going to start again in January 2012. A part of me now wants to give the 3 month rotation a try but I'm afraid I'll be disappointed after doing the 5.5 month. I am, however, considering changing up the 5.5 and doing only 1 month of Meso 1, 2 months of Meso 2 and 2 months of Meso 3.

HTH a bit. :)
I did finished the 3.5 month rotation and I feel that it helped me learn what each Mesocycle was about. I loved the results that I got so I decided to squeeze in Meso 1 and 2 again before my vacation. The next time I do STS, I will probably try the 5.5 month rotation. I wasn't sure if I could stay focused long enough to do a rotation that long, but since I started right back into Meso 1 and 2 after finishing the 3.5 month rotation....I guess I can.

There are so many rotation options with STS and that itself means your body will keep adjusting to change. Have fun!
I like the 5.5 month rotation since you can really learn the workouts and also because you can start with the right side one week, then the left side in the second week. Once you really know the workouts, the 30 second break in Meso 1 seems plenty long, whereas the first time through 30 seconds is definitely too short!

The first time I did STS I did the 3 month rotation. The Mesos just flew by and I was done before I knew it. So the shorter rotation would be good if you are not good at following rotations.

I tend to sub push-ups for some of the exercises in later meso since for me, they are still a strenght exercise, not just endurance, and I get tired of just doing bench press all the time. Those are my STS thoughts for today!!
The first time I did STS I did the 5.5 month rotation and loved it. Like FitMommy said, it gives you a chance to really figure out what weights you need the first time through. I have also done a 3 month rotation. I don't know that I got better results either way, it is more what you want to commit to I think. Right now I am doing it another STS rotation. I am almost to the end of Meso 3, then I am going to go back to Meso 2, and then Meso 1, but going to do the discs in reverse, so I at the end of Meso 3 I will go back to disc #24 and count down to #1 from there. I have not done this before, and can't wait to see how it goes! STS is great no matter how you do it!

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