STS 1 muscle group per day?

buneknek said:
Anybody have tried these? Im doing 5.5 mos rotation

Oops not done yet... I was thinking to do example
day1: chest + cardio,
day2: tricep+ cardio,
day3: shoulders+cardio,
day4 Legs only,
day5 biceps + cardio
day6 back + cardio
I've considered doing 1BP a day with M2 of STS in the future. I am currently doing the 5.5 month rotation too. I've got one more week of M2 to go!
Wendy- it's my last week of Meso 2, I thought I'll changed it up a little bit by doing 1 body part and I actually Iike it because I can lift a little bit heavy!
Wendy- it's my last week of Meso 2, I thought I'll changed it up a little bit by doing 1 body part and I actually Iike it because I can lift a little bit heavy!

THANK YOU for posting this when you did!!! I needed a shorter weight work out this morning then all of D22 so this post gave me the idea to just do Shoulders/Tri's (saving Chest for another day) this morning and it was perfect! :D

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