Structure of rehearsals / filming

L Sass

Hi Cathe and Chris -- and everyone who is involved in this project. Thanks so much for posting the rehearsal photos --- we are in for some SERIOUS fun I'm sure. I'm just wondering about the filming structure for STS. Will you rehearse mesocycle 1, then film it, then rehearse 2, then film that, and likewise with 3? Or is everything being rehearsed right now to be filmed sequentially? Is your anticipated filming schedule still on target? Thanks for any info.


We will basically rehearse all the workouts first and then film. There will not be time to rehearse once filming begins nor would it be physically possible or wise to do. What little rest Cathe and the crew get between film dates will absolutely be needed for muscle recovery. They will have to do 3 months of working out in about two weeks and that is based on doing everything in one take.
One of the nice things about having our own studio is we can now film whenever we want to. Rehearsals are going very well, but we’re not going to start actual filming until Cathe feels we’re 100% ready. Though were making great progress we still have a lot of hard work to do! We will certainly keep you informed on our progress.
>We will basically rehearse all the workouts first and then
>film. There will not be time to rehearse once filming begins
>nor would it be physically possible or wise to do. What little
>rest Cathe and the crew get between film dates will absolutely
>be needed for muscle recovery. They will have to do 3 months
>of working out in about two weeks and that is based on doing
>everything in one take.
>One of the nice things about having our own studio is we can
>now film whenever we want to. Rehearsals are going very well,
>but we’re not going to start actual filming until Cathe feels
>we’re 100% ready. Though were making great progress we still
>have a lot of hard work to do! We will certainly keep you
>informed on our progress.

Wow, I never really thought of it like this, but it makes sense. Another good reason for us to cool our hot little heads and hands, and sit back and allow Cathe to create this project it a way that is SAFE to her and the crew.

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