Strong Shoulders - Lateral Raises



I was just wondering about people's opinions on the correct form for lateral raises.

When I do slow and heavy workout I use 4kg weights for lateral raises which is about 8.5lbs. When I do pure strength I use 5kgs.

I have found that I cannot increase the weights on lateral raises any more than this. I have always done straight arm lateral raises and I think the weakest link in my lateral raises is my elbow.

I know that if you bend the elbow in a lateral raise you reduce the lever and so make the weight on your shoulder less. Naturally you overcome this by simply lifting heavier weights with a bent arm raise.

I was wondering if there was a reason why most exercise books and videos describe doing side laterals with a straight arm? Is it better in some way? I want to switch to bent arm laterals but I have done straight arm laterals for so long it feel weird :)

Thanks very much
I think they work about the same. The bent arm raise would put the weight a bit more in front of the body, and maybe work the delts from a minimally different angle, but not enough, IMO, to make a difference.

Be sure that your "straight arm" lateral raises are actually done with a slight bend in the arm, otherwise you can put stress on the elbow.

I vary the weights I use for these exercises, depending on workout. The speed of reps, and the number of exercises already done for the shoulders or chest/back are two factors that make the difference. Fast reps, or very slow reps, take a lighter weight, whereas moderate-speed reps take a heavier weight.

I was working out to a Gilad show on TV the other day, and he does lateral raises with a slight bend in the elbow, with the palms facing up in front of the body at the bottom postion. Then you concentrate on arcing the weights up to shoulder level. For some reason, this little form pointer really made me feel the work in the lateral delts.

In P90X, Tony Horton says that keeping a bend in the elbow during the entire move keeps stress on the shoulder muscle, while using a straight arm allow the shoulders to rest at the bottom position. I'm not sure about that one.

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