Strictly weight videos


Hi all,

I've been watching Cathe on FitTV for several months and I think she's awesome. I currently do not have any of her videos. Which ones are primarily weights/strength training? I get my cardo thru running and and ellipital machine, but I like to shake up my weight routine and would appreciate any recommendations from those of you who also weightlift. Thanks.


Check out a thread just below this one titled "Favourite Cathe Full Body Workout." Not only will you find out the names of the strictly weight workouts, but also which ones people like the best.

Cathe's weight workouts are quite varied in style, so if you have a specific type of weight training you want to pursue, you need to choose carefully. Otherwise, you can rotate through all of them, and never get bored!

Let's see:

Pure Strength series
Slow & Heavy series
Max Intensity Strength
Legs & Glutes
Pyramid Upper and Lower Body
Muscle Endurance
Power Hour
CTX Upper Body and Leaner Legs

All those are straight weight-training - some focus more on endurance and some on strength/mass-building.

Have you checked out the clips on this site? They're long and give you a really good idea about each workout.


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