water & shoes
Thanks! I am actually eyeing some Ryka's... but trying to decide if I should sell the car or my wedding ring for the money!
p (Little out of my ballpark...)
Re the water, I know what you mean about it being hard...I had always *dreaded* drinking a ton of water. I realized, though, that my biggest problem was not drinking it at all, then guzzling down a whole glass, then going hours more, and more guzzling... I *hate* drinking tons of water all at once! Drinking it all day, from the same size glass, till empty each time, enables me to know exactly how much I'm getting *and* makes all the drinking bearable. Now if I *don't* get my water in, my body just *screams* for it.
As a side note, upping the water consumption has taken care of my severe headaches (I was taking ibuprofin *every* day,) chronically chapped lips (as in splitting and peeling and looking
n-a-s-t-y under the lipstick) and a good part of my energy problem (still have trouble in the afternoon, even with all the exercise, good diet and water. Hmmm.) So it's definitely worth getting used to!
As for being on the pot all day... you're right about that, girl!