

I have been having some problems when doing Interval Max. After about the second set my calves and feet become numb. I was wondering if I should be concerned about this. It only happens after the plyo part of the set. After about two more sets it will stop. I am thinking it may just be a matter of stretching better before I start. This video really challenges me. There are two sets. The plyojacks and the lunges that I can't do yet without modifying. I would appreciate your input and any suggestions for stretching that might help this problem. Thanks!

Sure, you can always add additional stretching and see if that helps. It certainly won't ever hurt so I would give it a try.

Your leg discomfort sounds like it could be due to an excessive build up of lactic acid in the working muscle. What I would do is build up to these particular sets gradually. Do as many reps/sets as you can stopping just before you feel the onset of discomfort. Eventually as your muscle gets used to the workout, you should be able to do more and more. If not, simply do them to the best of your ability always stopping before you cramp(ingnoring cramps could lead to injury so always stop working a cramped muscle). The workout is still plenty intense that you can do a few of those plyo jacks in a modified version or substitute an exercise with similar intensity that does not cramp you.

Also, be sure that you are adequately hydrated and that you have enough potassium in your diet. Lacking in these areas can lead to muscle cramps.
overdueing it

Thanks for answering my question so quickly. I didn't think about hydration affecting things like cramping. I have a hard time making myself drink enough. I find myself sucking down water like crazy during a workout, but during the rest of the day I have to make myself remember to drink water. I also think I may be trying to do too much too soon. I have only had this video for 2 months and alternate it with a few others. It is by far the hardest tape I own. I am feeling totally finished by the end when you are doing those tuck jumps, and making them almost look easy. I really appreciate the girl in the back who modifies sometimes. I don't think I will ever get the height on my tuck jumps that you do. Right now I am happy to just be getting through about half of them before I start doing regular jumping jacks. I was looking for new challenges when I bought this tape. I certainly found one.

PS Are you still snowed in? It looks like snow is headed our way. 8 inches in the forcast. My kids (10 and 12) are breaking out the sleds and doing a snow dance. Snow is about a once a year event here and always gets us out of school!!!!!
Drinking Water!

Hi--Just a suggestion--I made a New Year's Resolution to drink water this year. I have never been a water-drinker, but know that since I exercise a lot, that my body needs it. I measure out 64oz. (8-8oz.glasses)into a pitcher the night before and I tell myself the next day that I cannot go to bed until it is empty. Do you know what?? It has been so easy to do. It isn't as much water as you think it would be. I even drink more then my pitcher on certain days. Hope this helps--GO FILL YOU PITCHER!!
This is going to sound dumb but....

I can remember back several years ago (I don't want to mention how many!) when I first starting stepping and I had a new pair of shoes my feet would start tingling about the middle of the workout and then it would come and go. Next to all the other advice this is going to sound really duh! but it took me awhile to realize I was lacing them too tightly. My feet had widened slightly after pregnancy and while the shoes were comfortable for walking around in the strenuous exercise causes the feet to sweat and possibly swell a little. So your solution may be to simply check those laces! I also fill myself 8 bottles of H20 in the am to make sure I am getting enough water. Having it in ready to grab bottles keeps me from grabbing a coke on the way out the door.
Same here!


I had the exact same problem with my feet and calves getting numb and tingly, and it was because my laces were too tight. The numbness would actually creep all the way up the back of my legs. I have very narrow feet and heels, and when I would loosen my laces, my shoes would slip off. I finally solved both problems by getting some -- I guess they're called high-top -- shoes. Ryka makes some that are good.

-Claire M.
Bottles of Water!!

I just started today by filling 2-16oz. bottles(1/2 of my water supply for the day) in the frig so they would be ready also when I went out the door or even to the basement for my workout. You are right--it is much easier having it ready to go. I carry it all over the house with me just to remind me to drink-drink-drink!!
doesn't sound dumb to me!

What you are describing. The "tingling feeling that starts in the arches of your feet and moves up your calves" sounds exactly like what is going on with me. I am losening those shoelaces tonight. I'll let you know if it helps. Thanks for sharing. wr
Shoe Laces

I had the same problem and yes it the shoes, either laces tooo tight or wrong shoes. Hope loosening your shoes works for you.
On shoes (including a question for you pros :eek:) ) and water....

The timing of this thread is amazing... I was trying to explain the "numbness" thing to my husband last night, but couldn't put my finger on the right words to describe it. I don't have it in my feet, but it started in one side of my right calf a couple of days ago and today was in the left as well. Like Claire, I have a narrow heel, and really have to tie my shoes (actually, my husband's shoes :eek:p ) tight to keep them from slipping. (He and I wear the same size, but being men's shoes, they're definitely too wide for me.) He picked me up some really nice shoes (Nike cross-trainers) for my birthday, but those I couldn't get to stop slipping no matter how tight I tied the laces. :eek:/ Maybe I *will* try the high-tops idea. Is it imporant to wear "aerobic" shoes, or are any shoes with good cushion and support fine?

Re water, I too have always had a hard time drinking enough, but have been doing so for the past 3 weeks. I keep a 16 oz. glass with me all day long; I finish it all the way before filling it back up so that I *know* just how much I've had, *and* I record my water intake every day, as I do my food intake. I've found I'm a whole lot more likely to make good diet/health choices, including getting that water in, when I know it's all going down on paper! :eek:)

Please forgive my long-windedness.



<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-00 AT 03:17PM (EST)</font></center>

I know everyone will have a different favorite for this one! I actually prefer to wear cross trainers as opposed to aerobic shoes. I find they have all the cushion and support I need for variuos activities ie stepping, weight training, running and occasional biking. I can only afford 1 good pair of shoes every 6-8 months or so and this type serves me well. I tend to go for whatever is on sale as far as name brand. Although I am waiting for a windfall to try a pair of Ryka's after reading all the raves they are the only shoe co that uses a woman's foot for their lasts as opposed to a sized down man's. This just makes sense to me that their shoe would fit better.Also, I note that my shoe size ranges from a 51/2 to a 7 depending on the name brand and even their various styles. So, it is really important to try on that shoe. I find myself measuring out that water in an effort to be sure I am getting enough. Don't know why it is so hard to drink that much. Did you know the 64 ozs a day is w/o exercise your supposed to add an additional 8 for each hr or so of strenuous exercise. Not sure the exact amt but I bet somebody out there has read this. I would be in the pot ALL day! I am trying to at least get the 64!
Hi Cynthia!

It is always best to have the shoe match the activity. For step activities, aerobic shoes and cross trainers are good choices. The shoe that is not a good choice for step is a running shoe(although I know many people who will not part with their running shoes regardless of the activity). When you run, you strike the ground(or treadmill) heel/ball/toe and when you step, you strike the floor toe/ball/heel. Shoes have built in shock absorbency to match the landing/striking pattern of the sport. Therefore, you can see how a running shoe would not provide the proper foot protection for step aerobics.
water & shoes

Thanks! I am actually eyeing some Ryka's... but trying to decide if I should sell the car or my wedding ring for the money! :eek:p (Little out of my ballpark...)

Re the water, I know what you mean about it being hard...I had always *dreaded* drinking a ton of water. I realized, though, that my biggest problem was not drinking it at all, then guzzling down a whole glass, then going hours more, and more guzzling... I *hate* drinking tons of water all at once! Drinking it all day, from the same size glass, till empty each time, enables me to know exactly how much I'm getting *and* makes all the drinking bearable. Now if I *don't* get my water in, my body just *screams* for it.

As a side note, upping the water consumption has taken care of my severe headaches (I was taking ibuprofin *every* day,) chronically chapped lips (as in splitting and peeling and looking
n-a-s-t-y under the lipstick) and a good part of my energy problem (still have trouble in the afternoon, even with all the exercise, good diet and water. Hmmm.) So it's definitely worth getting used to!

As for being on the pot all day... you're right about that, girl! :eek:)


I hadn't even *thought* of the landing/striking pattern thing...I was thinking only in terms of support and shock absorbancy. Thanks for the head's up!

Thanks for creating this great community, too.. It's been a real blessing. I've learned a bunch!

Hi-top shoes

Hi Cathe!

Since you were talking about shoes, I was wondering if you recommend hi-top shoes or just regular low-top...(for step aerobics). I have noticed that my feet tend to slide forward in the shoes I have now when doing step, making my big toe hurt! (They are running shoes.. shame)

Also, I'm not sure if you can answer this, but do you usually recommend Ryka shoes?
another vote for water!

I just wanted to second Cynthia's comments about the water. I have been trying to drink a gallon a day, and I have noticed it does help the headaches!!

Also I feel much better thoughout the day, and I would swear it has made my moods much better.

It does take effort, but it's worth it!

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