Stretching your stomach????


Yesterday evening, after running I was sooooooo hungry. I ate what some people might think was a lot but I consciously stopped before being stuffed.

This morning I woke up a little hungry. I asked my boyfriend if he thought that was a good sign that I ate an appropriate amount last night.

He said that he heard if you gorge yourself the night before, you'll wake up hungry because your stomach is stretched out.

We know the "stretching stomach" theory might sound funny but we're curious as to what you think.

Is being hungry in the morning a sign that you ate too much or too little the night before (or maybe it really doesn't have anything to do with it)?

:) Shelley
I don't know if it as anything to do with a strecthed stomach....I can't really see that.I would think that it would take more then one meal to get a streched stomach.
But I always find that when I eat before I go to bed, the next morning I am starving.And if I didn't eat anything after dinner then I am not hungry when I get up.It is confusing, you would think it would be the other way around.
I have noticed this too. I have always thought it is a blood sugar thing. Do you find this happens even if you eat low glycemic foods? For me, if I am eating that close to bed, I am probably not.

I *could* try and speculate further about the effects of blood sugar and time since last meal, but Lori could probably do it better!


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