Stretching and ab DVD questions


Hi...I'm new to the forum and new to Cathe. I'm not new to working out though. Recently I've been noticing that I need to do additional stretching (athletic type following a workout) and ab work. So here are my questions: which workouts would you suggest I begin with? Core Max or Ab Hits? And for stretching... Total Body Stretching or Stretch Max? Or does it matter? I'm sure I'll eventually will buy all 4, but for now I just want to buy 2. Any suggestions that anyone has is welcomed. :D

Thanks, Shon
I guess I will just tell you the differences between core max, and ab hits and you can decided which is for you. Core Max is core training, lasts about 20 min. a segment and has 3 segments. Each segment is diffrent. The first segment is no equiptment need, the second uses the stability ball and the third uses the medicine ball. there are also 3 premixes. Ab hits has the ab work from Cathes earlier videos. There are also premixes on there. the ab workouts (about 10?- doing this off the top of my head)are about 6-10 min long and the premixes (about 7?)are longer, the longest about 15 min. Both are excellent dvds and I like and use them both. Between total body stretching and stretch max,I only have Stretch Max, which I like alot. It is divided into 3 20 min segments. One with no equipt. one with the stability ball and one with the band. I like it for days when I don't want to do yoga and only want to stretch for 20 min.
If it were me I would get the stretch max and ab hits first and put core max on the top of my wish list.(mostly because you can add and mix and match the ab work easier on this dvd- making the work as long or as short or varied as you want)
i would say it depends how much timeyou want to spend. abs hits is compiled of mostly shorter ab routines from 5-15 mins. and the mix and match option with this dvd can let you choose the type of exercises and for how long. and total body stretching has shorter stretch segments. core max and stretch max each have 3-20 min workouts, mix and match, and core max has 3 premixed options at about 20 mins a piece as well. ab hits is also from alot of different workouts while the others are all fresh new routines. but i feel all are great but if you are just looking to add on that i would go with abs hits and total body stretch IMO.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

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