

Which is more highly recommended by ya'll - Milennium Stretch or Essential Stretch? Are they similar, not, better stretches - pls let me know your faves. Thanks, Cheryl
Since it seems that no one knows what I'm talking about, how about this mod. I've used Karen Voight's Pure & Simple and think it's OK. I'm looking for a good stretch tape that's no more than 45 min. I've heard Millenium Stretch by Scott Cole is good cuz he holds the poses for @ 1 min. Any other suggestions for tapes? I know this has been discussed before but I can't find it! Thanks, Cheryl
I like essential stretch...cause its a following workout. I have the book which is very good. HOWEVER...on this site a fellow poster is having trouble with the videos she has ordered from be careful should you order any.
I have & love Scott Cole's Millenium Stretch. But it's tough to start an hour long stretching, relaxation tape. Once into it, I'm fine and am always glad I did it.

I don't know anything about Essential Stretch.

I have the Voight stretching tape. The stretches are fine, but she is like a zombie. I prefer the yoga style stretches on her newer DVD's.

Tamilee Webb's stretching videos are good. The longer one is 30 minutes which makes it a bit more doable than Cole's. The other tape has 3 10 minute programs which are great pick-me-ups and are easy to tack on after a workout.

Thanks for the choices. Yeh, I'm not crazy about Karen Voight either. I've seen Tamilee's other tapes (not stretch)and wasn't sure I'd like her guiding me in stretches. What I really want is Millenium Stretch in a 1/2 hr version! I'm also thinking about that "Power to the People" Russian, kettleball guy, Paul something. But haven't heard anything about him either. It would be great if Cathe did a 1/2 hr tape on stretch. There is a yoga tape I've been using called Kripalu Yoga - Gentle and it's broken into 10 min. sections and gives a decent stretch. You may like that one as a change. I guess I'll give Tamilee a try. Cheryl

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