Stretch Max

Cathe incorporates several classic yoga poses in each of the Stretch Max routines, some of which she identifies by name (i.e. the Downward Dog). None of the routines should be considered a traditiona yoga practice routine, but any decent stretch program will include yoga poses.

I am no Yoga Guru; however, she does do the Cobra, Downward Dog, Child's Pose -- basic Yoga moves in some of the sections.

I love Stretch Max -- I do one segment at least 4 times per week.

I also love Core Max -- I do one segment at least 3 times per week.

Of course, I've get to find a Hardcore I do not like!

Hardcore is just what I needed to push myself harder.

Cathe's coaching and encouragement (Embrace the challenge, don't fear it) keep me pushing harder and longer!

Me at Age 50:
Very basic yoga with mostly athletic stretches. I do enjoy having the option of using no equipment, a stability ball, or a band. I also like the option of doing one, two or all three sessions.

AMY!! Whoa! Too bad there's no icon of a smiley face whistling...:)

Pinky look great!! I'm 45 and hope to look even better at 50. It's so true that exercise keeps you young.

I just did the band stretch segment for the 2nd time and I must say that I love it. It is really good for people (like me) with neck and shoulder issues. I think her stretches are innovative. I'm new to Cathe but not to exercise. I love the C-curve stretch lying on the floor. It feels so darned good. I think most of us ladies over 40 will get a lot of use out of Stretch Max as I find I need to stretch more now that I'm older. I can still do a split I guess I can say it pays off.

Hey FitnessFreak, I'm from Ohio also. What part are you from? I'm from good old Youngstown!
Yea, a place to say, I love Stretch Max. I'm not a fan of yoga but this routine is fantastic. I just received it yesterday, did seg one, on floor then two today with ball. I felt like I was amongst angles. This women is phenominal. The poses are easy to get into and get out of. I could not have made a better choice for myself. I was doing stretching class at the gym and said what good was stretch class. Well, this is powerful. Wonderful, graceful, I am very happy I guess you could say with Stretch Max.

Amy, I ditto the whistle from the other poster. Sexy gear girl...

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Thank you all so much for the kind words!

I honestly can thank Cathe Friedrich for helping me feel younger at age 50 than at age 40 (when I was 35 pounds heavier and feeling very frumpy).

Menopause was no big deal for me either.

I just stopped having periods and now take hormone replacement, Actonel and work out a lot. I never had one hot flash or night sweat. During perimenopause I did about freeze my husband and daughter to death because I was very warm natured!

I've just recently lost 6 pounds more -- I have really bumped up my workouts since "Hardcore" came out.

The series is just so inspiring -- but I will never be able to levitate!

Cathe's coaching is better than ever - when she said, "Don't fear -- embrace the challenge!"
I like Stretch Max, too. The 20 minute routines are just what I needed to loosen my muscles. I did workout #2 today after Gym Style Legs and that might be my favorite - the music goes very well with this one. Does anybody know what the title of the music is?
I did all 3 sections on Saturday and thank goodness I did! I did HC Legs on Thursday and got major DOMS on Sat. Stretch Max, the entire thing, really helped to ease it.


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