stretch and run through or rest and ice?


I just got back to running three weeks ago after having my baby. Last summer I was doing about 25 miles/week, and right now I'm just doing a conservative run/walk that build up each week. A week ago or so discomfort started along the back of my leg behind my knee. Can't tell if it's hamstring or calf. Thought it was just tight so I've been stretching extra and pushing through but it's getting worse, not better. Anybody know what the guidelines are when making decisions like this? I'm not one to wimp out at every ache and pain but I don't want to be dumb if rest and ice is the answer.

Thanks for input!
Take it from me, someone who is just now getting over an injury that had me set back for a little over a year.

Although I knew the effort it took to remain healthy I didn't heed my own advice and pushed through one run too many.

My reasons were not because I would have felt like I "wimped out" but because I had some stuff going on in my life (the death of my brother was the biggee) and running provided an outlet for emotions that I didn't want to face head on.

Well, I faced them anyway when my body had enough.

I would suggest that you STOP running until you are symptom free. There are other forms of non or low impact cardio that can get you through until you are injury free.
I'm one of those who pushed through an injury. Don't do it. One more good workout isn't worth months and months of recovery.
I agree with the others. I would rest or do some other form of cardio until I have no pain for a week. Then I'd resume running.Take care of yourself!
Thanks for the input. I'm going to rest for a couple days, ice and see how I feel. I've been doing this program because it worked so well after getting back into it with my other two kids. It's just gradually building each week, and even though it feels like it will be an eternity until I'm back to the 25 miles it was worth it to avoid injury. So much for that plan! Just wish I knew for sure whether it was injury or tight muscles that need to be stretched, strengthened back up.
OMG rest. :) I think any of us (and I know there are a few!) who have pushed through will NEVER do it again since it takes just so much longer than you think to get back after injuring yourself!

Good luck; and, no one thinks you're wimping out you are being SMART for yourself! Especially if it's getting worse.

Rest is your best bet, although stretching and icing are good 2nd and 3rd, respectively. GOOD LUCK!!!

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