

How do you gals deal with stress?

I had an argument with my boss today that made me so upset and stressed. All day, I thought about it and was mad. I took a spinning class which helped a bit, but I'm still tense. So I'd like your suggestions.

Also, when I'm at the office and put in a tense situation like today, how do I relax? I can't exactly go on a run! I tried taking deep breaths which helped a little bit. (Plus, a piece of chocolate soothed me - I know it's not the solution though!)

I've had days like that, the best thing to do right away (for me anyway) is to get outside and take a walk, just get OUT of the office. Sometimes you can't do that, depending on your job or the weather, but removing yourself from the situation helps a lot. Or even just have a little cry in the bathroom, saves face, releases tension. You can really calm yourself down with vigourous yoga, I did that once, I was enraged after work and did a yoga flow routine and felt so much better after. Another more office friendly thing is to write down what you're angry about, even if you shred or delete it right after you finish, it feels SO GOOD to get it out on paper. Pesonally I consider myself lucky to be able to go to my martial arts classes when I'm angry because let me tell you, there is nothing better for stress than punching, kicking and yelling in a controlled and safe environment. I've gotten myself through some BAD times by going to tae kwon do class. I totally think every office should have a big old punching bag and some gloves in a room! :) You just need a safe outlet of some sort. So, think happy, CALM thoughts, and I hope tomorrow goes better!
Here's something that works for me, 'though you can't do it until you're on the way home: As soon as you're in your car, put in your favorite music cassette or CD and sing loudly! The other drivers won't notice; they're all talking on their cell phones.

Aside from the psychological benefits, I have read that there are physical benefits as well. When you're stressed you tend to take shallow breaths and you may even hold your breath for seconds at a time - I know I do. This makes you even more tense. Singing forces you to breathe and to breathe deeply.

You'll feel better.

Thanks you guys! Those are some good tips- I'll use them all. You're right about the punching bag- spinning helped to take my mind off of it, but I really wanted to punch and kick to get out the stress. A run would've been nice too.
RE: Thanks!


I practice this every day!!! Some suggestions for in the house:

*Stress busting is the number one reason I work out with Cathe!

I drop everything and throw on my exercise gear, block all other thoughts apart from feeling the music... I let the tape run while I am geting ready and the start up music helps me to start focussing on me and not the stress.

*Forget answering the 'phone. If they really need you, they'll call back.

*As someone said above: fab music, turned up really loud on either headphones and power walk, or in the car is TOTALLY THE THING!

*Start to say "no" to people if everything is becoming too much.

*Rent a video / movie to watch that is pure fun, pure escapism, or that will shock you out of thinking about your own life into gaining some perspective.

*Run a deep bath, clean, steam your face, put a face pack on, wet hair, put a hair mask on too, wrap in towel, grab a mag/great book and sink back for an hour/ten minutes, whatever. Then, in fav sloppy pamnts and t shirt or tank, paint nails and toe nails, massage hand and foot cream in, etc while listening to fav music

Some suggestions for anywhere:

*Mantras: "I am strong and I don't need "that" in my life", or "you think I can't do it, well I am just here to prove you wrong sonny", etc. Whatever fits the situation.

Some suggestions for at the office:

*get out if possible, call a girlfriend or sister, soul mate for a good chat and get it out of your system. Then talk about lots of other things too (who is on their hate list for the week?) and feel much better afterwards.

*Head out and spend half and hour, lunch break browsing the shops, a book store, leaf through some magazines, take one to the coffee shop and lose yourself in it over a latte, even if you would never buy such a rag of a publication! But some funny cards or start thinking about birthdays coming up and hunt for some presents, cards and start thinking about those lovely people in your life who love you for who.what you are...

*Head to Borders , Virgin Rec, whatever, and stick some head phones on and have a listen to some new releases or stuff you've never heard before: buy yourself some fab new music.

Wow, the possibilities are endless... and if you have kids, sweep them up for a group hug and ask them about their day. Always works for me!

Good luck Sugar


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