strength training


I know Cathe is busy these days, so anyone with some insight please respond!Of course I would love to have her input also!
When strenghth training I know it is important to train opposite and opposing muscles ( not necessarily on the same day as we all have learned)for balance and posture. My question is, w/i the group of opposing muscles-say chest/back-- is it okay to go with the heavier wt on the stronger group(definitely back for me!)? If so, is there any type of guideline for how much heavier you can go ( I use 45 lbs on back but can barely pushout 35 on chest), and how would this affect your body balance and posture?
Can't wait to hear the data!
Opposing Muscles

Actually you should use different weights on opposing muscles. One "side" is naturally stronger than the other i.e. biceps are stronger than triceps. I don't know the exact ratios, they are probably different from group to group, but generally the larger muscles can take heavier weights than the smaller ones.
Still searching...

Am still looking for a more definitive answer to this question. I realize you need to fatigue the stronger muscles, but what about the rest i.e. posture, balance, etc. ? Anyone, anyone???
Does this help?

I would say that as long as you are working both muscles equally (strength and flexibility) you will have good posture. Now, what I mean by equally is in the same manner - frequency and type of training. So, if you work your chest hard one time a week you should work your back hard one time a week - same frequency. If you work your chest with light weights heavy reps, you should do the same with your back. If you only work your chest muscles and neglect your back muscles that is when you get into problems with posture.

Your back has a larger muscles and will require more weight than your chest to be worked equally hard. So, 45lbs on back - if that feels equally as challenging as 35 pounds on your chest - that is equal. As long as you are working the opposing muscles you shouldn't worry about ratios of weight. Now, this includes working all of the muscles of the back - not just the rhomboids or just the lats.

Does this make sense?
getting there....Cathe do you have time for a question?

I know you don't even have time to go to the bathroom, and a shower feels like the biggest luxury of the day,but I'll ask anyway and won't take it personally if you don't get to it. I am still looking for a more concrete answer on the strength training of opposite and opposing muscles.I get the training to fatigue and equal time for each group but am still interested in understanding how all ofthis can affect balance and posture. Should you train the weaker group to "catch up" with the other? Like say biceps/triceps, or is it natural to always have weaker groups? Was also interested to read that chest strength is related to tricep strength. This explains my 2 weakest areas. If you were to go for more tricep strength would this directly affect your chest strength? Maybe you could just recommend a book for me to read or something!? Hope you are getting some rest and enjoying your time with your family!

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