Strength training - what to add (buy)?


Hi all,

I'm itching to buy another Cathe DVD, and not sure what to get. I think I'd like some more strength training stuff - I've got Muscle Max and some circuit workouts. Here's what I have:

Muscle Max
High Step Challenge
Step Jump & Pump/Step Blast
Legs & Glutes/Kick Punch & Crunch
Kick Max
Low Max
Imax 3
Core Max
Stretch Max
Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting

I don't have a barbell set yet (waiting until I move back to the States in a couple months) but have been able to make do w/ dumbbells (I have sets up to 20 lbs. each.) So, although I will order the Gym Styles, I'm waiting for those until I move back and have access to more equipment.

I'm towards Muscle Endurance/Bootcamp. I'd like to gain strength and definition, while also losing bodyfat. I like to work total body once or twice a week, and then maybe split upper body and lower body in the rest of the week. I'm afraid of the Bootcamp workout, though! Or, would Push Pull/Supersets be a better buy? I'm hesitating on that one, though, because I do intend to buy the Gym Styles later.

Help! Any advice? I know I want them all, but I can probably only get away w/ ordering one more DVD before I move back in a couple months!
I would go for PH/MIS/Bodymax. I think this DVD is awesome for full body training. Bodymax is also a killer. I was going to suggest the GS as well b/c I think that is a must have just to mix up your routine and give your strength gains a real boost. Those are the two ideas I suggest.

“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.” --Ellen Degeneres
Since you seem to have alot of cardio/circuits...I'd go for the Pyramids. Pyramid Upper Body is done all with dumbells. You could modify lower body with dumbells as well until you get your barbell. The Gym Styles are excellent...make sure you get a band though, it adds alot to the workouts.
Agreeing with Stacy about the Pyramids. PUB is done with all dumbells and PLB is easy to modify. The stability ball segment is killer, too (but if you don't have one, there's a modifier using the step). Since you already have a total body weight workout and circuits, why not shake it up with some split routines? They're great workouts and get my vote!

I would suggest if your into muscle building definatley get the Gym Style Series and/or Slow & HEavy series. if your more into lean looks, then I would suggest Push-Pull/Supersets, Muscle Endurance, and/or PUB/PLB. I hope this helps!

OK! After much watching of video clips and reading workout descriptions I've decided that Supersets/PushPull will suit what I want best right now. I just don't have time to do 3-day splits (like the Gym Styles) and I prefer the variety and balance of exercises in SS/PP better than those in the Pyramids. The premixes on SS/PP seem pretty versatile, too.

Thanks for the input, everyone!

After you are through acquiring the total body wieght workouts you want I would definitely go for a 2 day split and get PUB/PLB next. This is good, straight up reps that you can keep track of your weights easily and work on increasing your weights. PUB has a tough ab routine at the end using a stabiliy ball and PLB uses the stability ball for some tough floor work at the end of the standing work. After that I would try the 3 day spits such as the GS series or PS. I have S&H but I have to make myself do it. It is not for everyone. I will never part with it b/c I hope to actually stick with it for 3 weeks one day, just to see what the results would be.

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