strength training videos



If I do the intensity strength video, will I build up lean muscle mass? I hare traditional weight training as I find it boring, but enjoyed the video. How many times per week and how long to see some improvement? Also in the front luinge and the back lunge, where should I feel the exercise work?

Lynne Jappy
Hi Lynne!

I'm glad you are enjoying Maximum Intensity Strength. Yes, you will definitely build lean muscle mass when doing this video. Everyones body responds differently to exercise so I can't tell you exactly when you will see your improvements. But generally speaking, if you do the video atleast once but no(need to do it)more than twice per week, you should FEEL improvements immediately and SEE improvements as soon as three weeks. During back and front lunges, the entire thigh and buttocks area is challenged. However, more specifically, whether you are in either of these lunges, the leg that is in the front is using more buttock, glute, and hamstring muscle while the leg that is in the rear is using more of the quadriceps. Happy lunging

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